A Guide to Kidney Symptoms
Knowing the kidney stones symptoms in women will help you know when to seek help, when to start medication, and how to treat such infection. There are a lot of common symptoms that have been reported and recorded. However, people often generalize the symptoms into one category of infection – the urinary tract infections (UTI’s) or those infections in the urinary tract system.
Indeed, kidney infection symptoms belong to the UTI set of symptoms because the kidneys belong to the urinary tract system. Common causes include kidney stones, sexual intercourse, pregnancy, and hygiene. When bacteria enter the body through the vagina, anus, or skin, the bacteria can ascend to the kidneys, which they will eventually infect. This is especially true in kidney infection symptoms in women. As for kidney stones, these are actually due to the stored calcium, cystine, and excess uric acid that have not been filtered. These stones then block the passage of the urine that leads to renal infection.
Here are some of the common symptoms:
Changes in Urination or Urine Appearance
If you have a renal infection, your urine patterns or appearance are usually altered. For some people, urination can cause pain (“a burning sensation”). Some would even find themselves urinating more frequently, but when they go to the bathroom, not a drop of urine comes out. On the other hand, some people notice that they urinate less than usual.
In terms of the appearance, the urine can have a darker color and appear cloudy or foamy. Some patients have also reported the appearance of blood in their urine.
Kidney Pain
Renal infection, because of the inflammation, causes kidney pain, which feels like a lower back pain. This is because the kidneys are located just below the rib cage and above the hips. Unlike muscular pain, when you press the area, it will feel more painful.
Other symptoms
Fever, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue are also common symptoms of kidney infection. These are because of the toxins that have accumulated in the blood and the lack of red blood cells (which the livers help produce) that carry oxygen.
If you notice these common kidney infection symptoms in yourself or in someone else, do not waste time and check immediately with the doctor because treatment will always be better and less complicated at the earlier stages. Having female kidney stone symptoms in women can be quite a burden without the proper know how.