Tool Storage
Joiner’s instrument should be easy to use, easy to commissioning, robust fireplace mantel in operation, with well-fitted and assembled “by hand” holders, handles, etc. Planing tool should be moving, with no defects surface base, cutting – the correct form and quality sharpening knives ; saw – a necessary divorce teeth. Store-bought tool can be used immediately, it must adjust and prepare for work. Prepared by the tool should be in strictly specified fireplace grate place. When properly stored, do not spoil the blade sharpened. In addition, it eliminates the application of accidental injury. A place to store selected depending on the size and frequency of use of the tool. Where possible, the tools essential to stay in one place, for example on the blackboard hanging in the closet. Power tools are placed in a special box, each in his office. Tools and accessories that are rarely used, stored separately from the rest of the instrument. Drill bits, chisels, chisels, and lay it on the cyclic reserved for them. The care of storing the instrument depends on the successful implementation of technological operations protsessa.Rabochee place on the balcony can be equipped with hinged table, using the design of the balcony parapets. The support bar section of 45X45 mm and lengths up to 1500mm hard to attach the newel. To screw that fastens the bar, did not interfere with solar hanging board is in the position, its a chrtse make depression in the form of mounting screws. Board to attach a metal tape sticks-loop (loops are sold in hardware stores). The supporting board, attach to the racks balcony; loops should be at the bottom and top of each board. K underside of the bill boards to fix its operating position, attach to two side corners in such a way that the gap between them has come bearing swivel board. The advantage of this table is that in the rest position, ie, 8 folded, it occupies a small terrace area.