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The software allows Lotus Notes users who synchronize their Domino mail, calendar (photo), contacts (photo) via Lotus Notes Traveler to view that data on the devices that run the Android 2.0 or higher operating system. This includes the Droid, Nexus One and many other devices.
Predictive analytics is providing new job opportunities for students entering the workforce in all areas of business. The IBM000-M88 exam new Center for Data Mining and Predictive Analytics is an investment in an area that is greatly in-demand by organizations worldwide.
Opening in September 2010, the 000-M88 IBM DePaul University Center for Data Mining and Predictive Analytics is an applied research center that focuses on the applications of data mining across all industries as students prepare for careers in healthcare, green infrastructure, clean energy and utilities, education, transportation and public service, among others.
Today, businesses and governments are driving transformation projects with predictive analytics to understand customer behavior, detect fraud, lower energy consumption through smart grids, improve customer buying experiences, reduce traffic congestion, predict part failures, and combat crime.
Lotus Notes Traveler for Android beta version is no-charge software that can be downloaded by IBM 000-M88 examLotus Notes customers and provides two-way, over-the-air synchronization of information between Lotus Domino and mobile devices. IBM is committed to supporting the vast array of mobile devices out there including the Android platform.