1 Hour Pay Day Loans-Absolutely a good choice

You all must have heard of the expression” living from payday to pay day”. But what happens when demands on your resources won’t wait until pay day? At that time pay day one hour loans are a great solution to opt for. Acquiring a pay day loan is a very simple process and you can easily apply for it.

You just have to fill an online application form and submit it. As soon as your application is approved the loan amount is credited within one hour to your checking bank account. In most cases the approval process just takes a few minutes to be done. The funds are directed into your account and available to you for immediate approval.

The four major requirements that lenders have for buyers are: at least 18 years of age, employed for at least six months, an income of $1200 – $1500 a month and a bank account with direct deposit capabilities.

These four things are key as you will definitely not be approved without any of these few essentials. Other factors may also come into play such as whether or not you are employed or just unemployed and collecting benefits, self employed or on active military duty.

The customer can not be in default on any other payday one hour loan or have an active loan account with any other lender at the time of request. These are short term loans for amounts ranging from $100 – $1000 and are meant to be paid back quickly, usually in not more than two weeks.

As 1 hour payday loans are short term loans and provide you with instant cash within a very short time period therefore the interest rate is generally very high. You simply have to give a post dated cheque including the interest amount and the money is acquired by the lender at the due date. One hour payday loans are a very viable option for unforeseen expenses such as medical bills or car repair.

Jeck Paul is Personal finance author of the get payday loans. He focuses on finance advice for the business owner. If you want to know further information about 1 hour payday loans, 1 hour loans for bad credit, 1 hour payday loans no credit check visit http://www.1hourpaydayadvance.net

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