Unravel The Secrets Of Overcoming Exam Stress

A student’s anxiety level usually starts elevating exam time comes closer than ever. Afraid of ending up with a failing grade, the student panics and his or her concentration and memory decrease even though they have adequately prepared for the test. Below are tips on how to overcome anxiety and stress come exams-time.

1. Execute to the strategy. Supposing there are a lot of exams that is confronting you, its very important that you develop a revision plan. Take note of the subjects that you are inclined to be weaker and then tackle them first. Make sure to provide yourself with a lot of time before the exams start to prevent panic and cramming to set in. Take a larger view of the plan to make sure that it is manageable or realistic. Include time for breaks, socializing and sleeping! Avoid at all cost have to leave everything for the last minute and end up studying 23 hours in one day!!

2. Know your limits. When history tells you that a C average is in the horizon, it is probably not realistic to expect A’s. If you set the bar too high, it will definitely raise your anxiety level. Simply do your best and don’t expect too much. As long as you know that you have given your best, you should be happy with the outcome whatever it is. You never really know when an A will sneaked up here and there.

3. Always have a plan B. When and if you don’t end up with the grades that you needed to get to the coursework that you desired, you should have an alternative. It should not be like end of the world for you. Everything happens for a reason therefore always look up to a brighter future! It would be a really boring life when there are no surprises around the bend and everything you expected always happened. Now, when you are really determined to get to the course work you desire, there are always other ways like waiting for next year or getting some practical experience or even retaking some subjects, etc. You could end up doing things that you never knew would be enjoying in the end.

4. A healthy body is more stress proof. If your feel that you need more breaks to get some fresh air or exercise, you should do it. The best vitamin for your brain is oxygen when it comes to memory, concentration and alertness. It is a fact that you can absorb information for about 20 minutes at a time, so give the things you’ve learned some time to sink in. A 15 min break or brisk walking or even running could give you air in the parts of your body that needs it.

5. Review past exams. Get copies of past exams and try to figure out where you are with them. This should give you an idea on how much you know at the moment and the levels of difficulties you are facing. Should you be unable to answer a specific question, go to your professor or teacher or even a private tutor and ask them to help you through it.

6. Understanding is key. When it comes to subjects like mathematics and sciences, be sure to know the reason why things are so and not just simply memorize the concepts outline in the course. In exams, the questions are there to gauge your understanding of the subject, course or material rather than just gauging your memory. Great performance in exams is simply about great understanding of the course plus great memory.

7. Proper nutrition. There was a research published in 2003 about kids having fizzy drinks and sugary snacks for breakfast and they were tested on their memory and attention. Their performance was the same level as the average 70 year old individual. A better combination is toasted bread and beans according to Barbara Stewart from the University of Ulster, UK. Because of the high protein and fibre levels in the beans, there is improved cognition as suggested in other studies as well. Marmite and wholemeal toast makes a great alternative. The yeast extract is packed with B vitamins which help boost brain capabilities as many studies have concluded.

Salad and omelette is a great meal for boosting brain capabilities too. A salad will provide plenty of antioxidants to the brain to keep it in a high level of condition through the removal of free radicals.

Yoghurt is an excellent dessert because it contains the amino acid tyrosine. The US military has done studies that indicate lowered levels of tyrosine during stressful conditions and taking a supplement can improve alertness and memory.

Also, it is worth trying to snack throughout the entire day to maintain glucose levels. Junk foods are to be avoided especially processed foods like cakes, pastries and biscuits because they contain trans-fatty acids. This compound has been implicated in a lot of serious mental disorders that include dyslexia and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) to autism.

8. Caffeine and medicine should be avoided. The rumor that caffeine and other stimulants help you concentrate is nothing but a rumor and more than a myth. Rehydrate your brain simply with water and avoid side effects.

9. Be a smart worker and not hard worker. What won’t help you is reading through tons of text. Instead, get a highlighter and pick out important sentences that should be remembered or understood. He, try to write them in your own words to make sure that you understand them. Be sure that you go over them at least 3 times in a couple of days to further cast them in your memory.

10. Seek help. You may not be aware of it but help is available everywhere especially in these day and age. Initially, you could ask you tutor, teacher or even a friend. You can also use the internet and refer to http://speedstudytechniquesonline.com, AskJeeves and Google. Do not be afraid to ask questions. It is a God given right and teachers will appreciate you more for simply asking them.

11. Take it easy. When you feel that you are panicking or struggling with a particular item, step back and try to re-orient yourself. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes for a moment while taking about 3 to 4 slow deep breaths. Try reading another question. It is probable that while reading another question or thinking about something entirely different, the answer to the question you were struggling with will suddenly come to you.

Joyleen Kloester is a local internet marketing consultant with over 2 years of experience. She has been helping business owners with local internet marketing and the latest social media marketing campaigns in and around Australia. Companies wishing assistance with their internet marketing needs can check out our website http://speedstudytechniquesonline.com/

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