Understanding the Significance of Tools Integration

Based on their functions, technologies and geographical locations, developers of any product development lifecycle usually work in isolation. It is often found that tools within the enterprise do not communicate with each other. Be it a requirement management tool not communicating with a test management tool or a test management tool not communicating with an Issue tracking tool. Although most organizations use the best of breed tools from multiple vendors, there is seldom any kind interconnectivity and data transferability unless point to point integrations are carried out. Different tools from the same vendor are not typically connected with each other, in most cases.  To get an integrated picture of various aspects of the development life cycle, it is essential to have single data repository so that the data for Requirements, test, issues and other ALM entities resides in the same repository.

By using an omnibus technology that is SOA based, the need for point to point integrations are eliminated. As the SOA technology based Omnibus is data technology, vendor and location agnostic, it can be can be integrated with other tools or can be located anywhere. A suitable omnibus technology solution integrates the various tools and considerably enhances the value of those tools and increases the ROI for customers.

The Omnibus Technology advantage

An omnibus with SOA architecture makes it open to any type of software from any vendor including home grown tools or data bases for integrations. This technology has a few unique advantages that include substantial savings in development and maintenance costs. With the omnibus technology, there is no requirement for hard coding of business rules as the data layer is divided from the business layer.  The API for other tools is available as integrations with other tools are made easy. Omnibus integrations facilitate the enhancement of capabilities with other tools.

Organizations that have investments in multiple tools can obtain excellent value proposition to enhance ROI in two major ways – one by providing the capabilities to integrate tools at a relatively low cost, by investing in an efficient cost saving solution. As the omnibus technology has a compelling value proposition for the integration of tools, the same should not be overlooked. With a true integrated Application Lifecycle Management, there is an integration of any tool with any vendor. This way the customers can enhance the value of various tools and simultaneously increase the ROI.

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