How to check pregnancy
Women are always eager to check out whether they are pregnant or not and they usually do it when they get symptoms for it. Now, the first question that rises in the mind of the woman after getting symptoms is how to check pregnancy? Today because of the advanced technology one can check whether they are pregnant or not at home only with a help of a home pregnancy test kit. Apart form the home pregnancy test kit one can take an appointment with the doctor and undergo pregnancy tests at his or her clinic if they are not satisfied with the home pregnancy test.
Methods for checking pregnancy
One can find many types of pregnancy tests but before performing any such tests at home one must make sure that they consult their doctor and then undergo these tests. A few methods on how to check pregnancy are as follows
1. Home pregnancy test kits can help you check whether you are pregnant or not.
2. Urine tests to check pregnancy can be conducted either at home or clinic where in a sample of your urine are taken to check you are pregnant or not.
3. Blood tests are also done to check whether you are pregnant. Blood tests are basically of two types
4. Qualitative blood test- in this test it measures the amount of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood.
5. Quantitative blood test- in this test it simply answers whether you are pregnant or not.
Tips to get good results
As said earlier pregnancy tests can be done at home as well as with the guideline of the doctor but, many a times it so happens that we do not perform the test correctly because of which we do not get the exact results. To avoid such mistakes women must follow certain rules
1. Women must follow all the steps as she has been guided by the doctor to get a positive result
2. In home pregnancy tests one must follow the instructions properly to avoid negative results.
3. You must see to it that you are not taking the test too early.
4. Some kits contain two tests to avoid mistakes.
5. While taking a urine test see to it that the urine does not contain any other impurities in it.
6. Blood tests are very much advisable as they give you sooner results than urine tests
Hence, these days how to check pregnancy has indeed become an easy job with the help of these tests as they are quick and reliable.
Get information in this article about how to check pregnancy and pregnancy tests. Also read about how to take a home pregnancy test at Onlymyhealth.