Learn How to Build a Tesla Generator the Easy Way

Powering a modern home is becoming more and more expensive these days. Everyone knows that the cost of electricity is increasing annually. And if you are using lots of electronic devices and appliances, your energy bills will surely make a considerable dent on your budget. But did you know that you can eventually get off the grid and worry no more about increasing electricity cost? You can build your own Tesla generator that can produce electricity without using conventional fuels. Learning how to build a Tesla generator is easy. As long as you have the right information, design, and materials, you will be able to build it in a few hours.

You can learn how to build a Tesla generator even if you do not have a degree in engineering and electronics. That is because the core design of the generator already exists. It was conceptualized and designed by Nikola Tesla. Tesla was an inventor and engineer at the turn of the 20th century. During the early part of the 1900s, he built the first prototype of the fuel-less generator. He applied a patent for it and his invention was eventually recognized by the US patent office. The generator can harness radiant energy from the surrounding environment. More specifically, it has the ability to capture the sun’s radiation as well as the potent energy of the earth to produce free power.

You may be wondering why the invention of Tesla was not commercially developed by big companies. Well, the answer to this question was simple. Large energy corporations and monopolies can never profit from a fuel-less generator. Without the incentive of profit, these corporations suppressed the methodologies and designs of Tesla. And for centuries, consumers were subjected to the ever increasing cost of energy. Of course, it fattened the bank accounts of energy magnates and oil companies. The good news is that information is now available that will teach ordinary consumers about the basics of the Tesla generator. You now easily learn how to build a Tesla generator by following the re-discovered design parameters created by Nikola Tesla.

Knowing the vital information on how to build a Tesla generator is very important. Although the original designs of Tesla were simple, you still need a good guide that will help you build the fuel-less generator properly. The best thing that you can do is to look for an instructional DVD or video series that provides a step by step guide to building Tesla’s original generator. If you can see with your own eyes the process of fabricating the generator, then you will have an easier time building your own power set. More importantly, the video will help you avoid costly mistakes. With the help of a video guide and the original Tesla documentation, you will be able to build the generator set in less than an hour.

Tesla’s generator design is the answer to the ever increasing energy cost. You can partially or fully get off the grid to save hundreds of dollars each month. Once you perfected your generator, you will be able to scale up the design so that you can have a free power source that does not require expensive fuel.

Re-discover the original design of the revolutionary Tesla generator. Get off the grid and save big money by learning how to build a Tesla generator from the most accurate instructional manual and videos available for you.

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