Four Tips To Increase Conversion Ratio On Your Website Part II
Involve the user
User-generated content is an understanding among winged shop owners, and rightly so. The use of reviews and customer comments offer a great value for a site. A review is a powerful tool to attract visitors over the line, it clearly leads to higher conversion. Encourage users to post reviews. does this example by the raffle of book tokens. Added benefit of reviews is that the site continues to grow, which is beneficial to the Google ranking. In addition, it provides a current look: there is something on the site and that visitors will find enjoyable. In an empty restaurant, you will not eat.
Make specific offers
Do not shoot with hail, but try as targeted visitors as possible to approach. With cookies is easy to record what pages a person has visited. And it offers opportunities. Thus a visitor to an online furniture shop that has looked at a previous visit to the page with bathroom tiles, on his next visit to an offer tiles in picture. This offer is relevant to the visitor and that increases the likelihood of turnover. Investigated is that personalized offers a high conversion yield four times as general offers.
Win the trust
Consumers only buy in a shop they trust. So be open honest. Make clear what the privacy policy is and how to deal with personally. Do not make it complicated, just say it in Jip and Janneke language. Be clear about the right price (preferably including VAT), the ordering process, shipping, payment and delivery options. Give first, ask later. Ensure that the visitor will first clarify the price and terms, before his personal information form. Nothing is as annoying as half the order process discover that there are additional costs. Finally, clear your contact information listed, complete with address and preferably a landline number. Only one mobile number gives less confidence.
Call for Action
Incentive visitors to take action. The text “click here” is a much less inviting than ‘Order now! or “Start Earning Now!”. This is a call for action called. Instead there is only one per page and make it stand out, for example by using a button with a distinctive color such as green, red or orange. Do not be afraid that the button does not fit the style, a button can be quite ugly, as long as it stands. Shed those with these calls for action through the ordering process. On average, eight pages required before an order is completed, proper guidance in the ordering process is imperative.
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