Is it Really Difficult to Convert PDF to Word?
Many people believe that PDF to word conversion takes up a lot of time, effort and money, as the converter software is both difficult to use, and expensive. The problems that people face while converting PDF document to word are:
- The formatting and layout are not recognized during the conversion process, and is not converted as it is.
- Paragraphs, line breaks, line ends, drop caps, changes in line spacing, alignments and other elements are not accurately identified and translated.
- Components like text boxes, graphs, tabs and more are not clearly demarcated in the conversion.
- The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality is inefficient in converting the scanned PDF document properly. There are various elements that lose their actuality during the conversion process.
- Another problem faced by many people while they convert PDF to word is that the text stream is not displayed accurately in the converted file. Certain objects are separated and broken where it is not required, and the spacing is improper.
However, these problems can be solved with the use of a capable conversion tool, as all of these are associated with improper conversion due to an inaccurate software. By using a good software, and following the simple document conversion procedure, you can achieve excellent results. A market research is required to be able to find a software that can efficiently convert PDF into the word document.
The user-friendly procedure of converting PDF is:
- Install the software, and open the file that needs to be converted. You can select the file by clicking on ‘Browse’.
- Then, select the destination folder to save the converted file.
- Choose the document format and change the user interface language if you want.
- Next, select the conversion range if you want to convert a certain number of pages, or check on ‘All Pages’ if you want to convert the entire file.
- You can also select from four layout options provided in the PDF to word converter : Flowing Text, Formatted Text, Text Only, As Is.
- You can also select ‘Automatic Anchoring’ in the image recovery option.
- In the end, click on ‘Convert to Word’, and your file is converted and saved in the desired folder.
This is a fairly easy procedure of converting a PDF document to word. In addition, the formatting will remain as it is in the converted document. The elements like text spacing, line ends, line breaks, boxes, etc. will be properly detected and converted accurately.