Tie guan yin tea requires people to carefully keep its fresh flavor
Thanks to the mild sunshine and plenteous water, the tea leaves are good in quality while the most outstanding thing is the tie guan yin tea water, which is rich and mellow and can be brewed for times. The spring tea is worth being selected and it is on market in April or May. Tea on the market before that time is generally grown by covering plastic film or spraying hormone so the tea is not good in quality and is easy to go bad.
Different from the green tea, it’s contrary to promote the effective dissolving of the flavonoid health substance in black tea by dipping in water with high temperature. That would not only gives richer taste and aroma but also better bring its health function into play. Therefore, better brew the black tea by boiling water and keep it for a longer time. Generally speaking, 5 minutes is perfect and the water is quite same as that used to brew green tea. The unshredded black tea could be brewed for 3 or 4 times while the shredded black tea could be brewed for once or twice.
Next, some studies show that drinking black tea regularly may reduce disease rate of stroke and heart disease. Therefore, we suggest people especially ones who suffer indigestion or gastrointestinal disease choose black tea as their daily drinking in the colder and colder seasons. But you’d better drink the black tea right after when it’s brewed and drink it hot or the nutrition and taste would be reduced.
Tie guan yin tea requires people to carefully mull over its store method so that may keep its fresh flavor, tie guan yin tea is the same as other tea leaves that they can’t be timeworn. Therefore, people have groped many store methods such as storing them with lime or airproofing them then refrigerate them in fridge. However, for household storage, the most convenient and effective way is to keep the leave in cans.
Commonly referred to as catechotannin, is the proper ingredient in tea, containing bitter taste and astringency. It could combine with caffeine in tea water so as to abate caffeine’s physiological action to human body. It affects as resisting oxidation, halmatogenesis, tumor, bacterium and hypersusceptibility and reducing blood cholesterol and low-density protein ester as well as inhibiting elevation of blood pressure and platelet aggregation.
Appearance: leaves are plump and rounding shaped like head of dragonfly. They are heavy and tough in heart while most of them roll toward the back and they’re jet-black with emerald.