Affordable Vodafone 555 take on HTC Chacha
Vodafone has launched Vodafone 555 Blue Facebook phone in India. This may be the good news for HTC Chacha lovers because Vodafone 555 gives very similar look to HTC Chacha in comparatively very less price. As HTC Chacha price in India is about 15,990 INR which is more higher than Vodafone 555 price in India i. e. of about 4,950 INR .
Vodafone 555 specifications and HTC Chacha specifications
Vodafone 555 Specifications and HTC Chacha Specifications are almost same. Firstly, we go through the look of these two phones. As the look of these two phones Vodafone 555 and HTC Chacha are almost same but HTC chacha has a little bend from centre. HTC Chacha has 2.6 inch touchscreen TFT while Vodafone has 2.4 inch TFT without touchscreen. The operating system of HTC Chacha is used Android 2.3.3, while Vodafone 555 blue works on Vodafone’s proprietary operating system is used. This makes HTC Chacha better than Vodafone 555. Keyboard of these two phones have Qwerty keyboard but after all HTC Chacha’s keyboard is much better than Vodafone 555’s because there is more space between the keys of HTC Chacha’s keyboard which leads to commit less mistake comparatively to Vodafone 555.
The common button of HTC Chacha and Vodafone 555 blue is Facebook button. We can see Facebook button in these two devices but this button does not work properly in HTC Chacha and here we can only be hopeful that Facebook button will work well in Vodafone 555. Vodafone 555 is not a smart phone while HTC Chacha is a smart phone but do not have a live Facebook widget. The processor of Vodafone 555 is 200 MHz while HTC Chacha has comparatively 4 times large processor i. e. 800 MHz’s. Thus the performance of HTC chacha becomes better. HTC Chacha has 5 megapixel camera on its back while Vodafone 555 has only 2 megapixel camera. HTC Chacha has 0.3 megapixel VGA camera in front facing but Vodafone do not have any camera there because there is no such need as Vodafone is 2G phone not a 3G.
Vodafone 555 features and HTC Chacha features
HTC Chacha Features and Vodafone 555 Features of connectivity are same like Bluetooth, USB port and 3.5 mm jack except Wi-Fi because Wi-Fi is only available in HTC Chacha. Vodafone 555 has 40 Mb of internal storage while HTC Chacha has more and can be expanded up to 16 gigs in Vodafone 555 while 32 gigs in HTC Chacha.
Which is the best one between Vodafone 555 and HTC Chacha
Overall HTC Chacha is better than Vodafone 555 but if you are looking for a Facebook phone on less expense then Vodafone 555 can be the right choice for you because at the low price you have very nice features.
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