How To Refinance Your Home In To The Best Mortgage
With the current mortgage rates near all time lows, many home owners are looking to refinance their existing mortgage, and new home buyers looking to obtain a new mortgage. Both have two objectives in mind, first to get the lowest possible mortgage rate and second to obtain it with the least amount of closing costs.
The website emphasizes open competition between brokers and lenders to give consumers the best possible mortgage offer along with a complete good faith estimate outlining all costs in a printable page. Once the consumer finds an offer they wish to proceed with the deal is locked in with that broker and you may begin refinancing your mortgage or obtaining your new home loan. The brokers and lenders are bound to their offer because consumers may leave a feedback based on their experience.
The process of finding your new mortgage is quite simple and takes less than five minutes to complete. First consumers place their application which asks about the homes information, employment and income, and checks your credit only one time to obtain your credit scores and balances. The brokers and lenders review your application and make their best offer. There are no phone calls during the process, and there is no fee to consumers to use the site.
Not only does the single application save you time answering repetitive questions, but it only puts one inquiry on to your credit report. Without the hassles of repeated phone calls makes shopping for your next mortgage fast, easy, and headache free.