Apollodotus I

Ruler of the Indo-Greek kingdom

Apollodotus was not the first to strike bilingual coins outside of Bactria, but he was the first king who ruled in India only, and therefore the founder of the proper Indo-Greek kingdom. According to W.W. Tarn, Apollodotus I was one of the generals of Demetrius I of Bactria, the Greco-Bactrian king who invaded northwestern India after 180 BCE. Tarn was uncertain whether he was a member of the royal house. Later authors largely agree with Tarn’s analysis, though with perhaps even more uncertainty regarding who the king was, for his coins do not give many hints.

Apollodotus was either succeeded in India by Antimachus II, or the two kings were contemporary, Antimachus II ruling the more western territories closer to Bactria. Eventually Apollodotus I was succeeded by Menander I, and the two kings are mentioned by Pompejus Trogus as important Indo-Greek rulers.


Indian-standard coin of Apollodotus I.

Obv: Sacred elephant with decorative belt and Greek legend , “of Saviour King Apollodotus”.

Rev: Bull with Kharoshti legend MAHARAJASA TRATARASA APALADATASA, “Saviour King Apollodotus”.

Actual size: 15 mm, 1.4 grams.

The coinage of Apollodotus is, together with that of Menander, one of the most abundant of the Indo-Greek kings. It is found mainly in the provinces of Punjab, Sindh and Gujarat, indicating the southern limit of the Indo-Greek expansion in India. This is also suggested by the Periplus, a 1st century CE document on trade in the Indian Ocean, which describes the remnants of Greek presence (shrines, barracks, wells, coinage) in the strategic port of Barygaza (Bharuch) in Gujarat. Strabo (XI) also describes the occupation of Patalene (Indus Delta country). While Sindh may have come under his possession, it is not known as to whether Apollodotus advanced to Gujarat, where the Satavahanas ruled.

Apollodotus also issued a great number of bilingual Indian-standard square coins. Beside the usual royal title, the exact significance of the animals depicted on the coins is unclear. The sacred elephant may be the symbol of the city of Taxila, or possibly the symbol of the white elephant who reputedly entered in dream the womb the mother of the Buddha, Queen Maya, which would make it a symbol of Buddhism, one of the central religion of the Indo-Greek territories.

Similarly, the sacred bull on the reverse may be a symbol of a city (Pushkhalavati), or a depiction of Shiva, making it a symbol of Hinduism, the other major religion at that time. The bull is often represented in a clearly erectile state, which reinforces its interpretation as a representation of Shiva. Conversely, this also reinforces the interpretation of the elephant as a religious symbol. Alternatively, the Bull, according to Foucher, represents the birth of the Buddha, as it happened during the month of Vaicakha (April-May), known to Buddhists as Vesak, under the zodiacal sign of the Taurus, during the full moon. The enlightenment and passing of the Buddha also occurred during the Taurus full moon.

Before their design was eventually simplified, some of the earlier coins of king Apollodotus directly associate the elephant with Buddhist symbolism, such as the stupa hill surmounted by a star, also seen, for example on the coins of the Mauryan Empire or those of the later Kuninda kingdom. Apollodotus experimented with different coin standards for his silver, until he settled for a standard lighter than the Attic which would prevail for centuries, though later rulers usually struck round coins instead of the square (typically Indian) shape of most of Apollodotus’ silver. He issued a number of bronzes with Apollo /tripod, that also were repeated for centuries.

Bactrian coins

Apollodotus also issued a small series of monolingual Attic tetradrachms, intended for export into Bactria. For these, Apollodotus I clearly used Bactrian celators to strike an exquisite realistic portrait of the king as an aged man in the Macedonian hat called kausia, with a reverse of sitting Pallas Athene holding Nike, a common Hellenistic motif introduced by the Diadoch Lysimachus. On these coins, he used no epithet.



^ Bopearachchi (1998) and (1991), respectively. Bopearachchi kept the earlier dating was as an alternative in SNG9, a later, though less comprehensive work.

^ The 1st century CE Periplus of the Erythraean Sea describes numerous Greek buildings and fortifications in Barigaza, although mistakenly attributing them to Alexander (who never went this far south), and the circulation of Indo-Greek coinage in the region:

“The metropolis of this country is Minnagara, from which much cotton cloth is brought down to Barygaza. In these places there remain even to the present time signs of the expedition of Alexander, such as ancient shrines, walls of forts and great wells.” Periplus, Chap. 41

“To the present day ancient Drachmae are current in Barygaza, coming from this country, bearing inscriptions in Greek letters, and the devices of those who reigned after Alexander the Great, Apollodotus I and Menander.” Periplus Chap. 47 Periplus

^ A.K. Narain did not believe in the existence of Apollodotus I, but credited his coins to Apollodotus II. Later analyses of their coins, as well as the finding of coins with portraits of Apollodotus I, have proved this view untenable.

^ Pompejus Trogus, Prologues, recorded by Justin in Epitome of Pompejus Trogus.

^ “The beginnings of Buddhist Art” Alfred Foucher, Plate I.

See also

Greco-Bactrian Kingdom

Seleucid Empire



Indo-Parthian Kingdom

Kushan Empire


Tarn, William Woodthorpe. The Greeks in Bactria and India. Cambridge University Press, 1938.

External links

Coins of Apollodotus

More coins of Apollodotus

Preceded by:

(In Paropamisade)


(In Gandhara)


Indo-Greek Ruler

(Paropamisade, Arachosia, Gandhara, Punjab)

(180-160 BCE)

Succeeded by:

Antimachus II

v  d  e

Hellenistic rulers


Alexander III the Great  Philip III Arrhidaeus  Alexander IV Aegus


Antigonus I Monophthalmus  Demetrius I Poliorcetes  Antigonus II Gonatas  Demetrius II Aetolicus  Antigonus III Doson  Philip V  Perseus

Lagids (Ptolemies)

Ptolemy I Soter  Ptolemy II Philadelphus  Ptolemy Keraunos  Meleager  Ptolemy III Euergetes  Ptolemy IV Philopator  Ptolemy V Epiphanes  Ptolemy VI Philometor  Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator  Ptolemy VIII Physcon  Ptolemy IX Lathyros  Ptolemy X Alexander  Berenice III  Ptolemy XI Alexander  Ptolemy XII Auletes  Cleopatra V  Berenice IV  Ptolemy XIII  Ptolemy XIV  Cleopatra VII Philopator  Ptolemy XV Caesarion


Seleucus I Nicator  Antiochus I Soter  Antiochus II Theos  Seleucus II Callinicus  Seleucus III Soter  Antiochus III the Great  Seleucus IV Philopator  Antiochus IV Epiphanes  Antiochus V Eupator  Demetrius I Soter  Alexander I Balas  Demetrius II Nicator  Antiochus VI Dionysus  Diodotus Tryphon  Antiochus VII Sidetes  Alexander II Zabinas  Antiochus VIII Grypus  Antiochus IX Cyzicenus  Seleucus VI Epiphanes  Antiochus X Eusebes  Antiochus XI Epiphanes  Demetrius III Eucaerus  Philip I Philadelphus 

Antiochus XII Dionysus  Seleucus VII Philometor  Antiochus XIII Asiaticus  Philip II Philoromaeus




Cassander  Philip IV  Alexander V  Antipater II  Antipater Etesias  Sosthenes


Philetaerus  Eumenes I  Attalus I  Eumenes II  Attalus II  Attalus III  Eumenes III


Diodotus I  Diodotus II  Euthydemus I  Demetrius I  Euthydemus II  Antimachus I  Pantaleon  Agathocles  Demetrius II  Eucratides I  Plato  Eucratides II  Heliocles I


Demetrius I  Antimachus I  Pantaleon  Agathocles  Apollodotus I  Demetrius II  Antimachus II  Menander I  Zoilos I  Agathokleia  Lysias  Strato I  Antialcidas  Heliokles II  Polyxenios  Demetrius III  Philoxenus  Diomedes  Amyntas  Epander  Theophilos  Peukolaos  Thraso  Nicias  Menander II  Artemidoros  Hermaeus  Archebios  Telephos  Apollodotus II  Hippostratos  Dionysios  Zoilos II  Apollophanes  Strato II

Rulers of Bithynia

Zipoites I  Nicomedes I  Zipoites II  Etazeta (regent)  Ziaelas  Prusias I  Prusias II  Nicomedes II  Nicomedes III  Nicomedes IV

Kings of Pontus

Mithridates I Ctistes  Ariobarzanes  Mithridates II  Mithridates III  Pharnaces I  Mithridates IV Philopator Philadephos  Mithridates V Euergetes  Mithridates VI Eupator  Pharnaces II  Darius  Polemon I  Pythodorida  Polemon II

Kings of Commagene

Ptolemaeus  Sames II  Mithridates I  Antiochus I  Mithridates II  Antiochus II  Mithridates III  Antiochus III  Antiochus IV

Kings of Cappadocia

Ariarathes I  Ariarathes II  Ariarathes III  Ariarathes IV  Ariarathes V  Ariarathes VI  Ariarathes VII  Ariarathes VIII  Ariarathes IX  Ariarathes X

Categories: 160 BC deaths | Indo-Greek kings | 2nd-century BC rulers

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