Things to be avoided while developing a website

Developing an effective website which meets is objective in a best possible manner has always been a challenging task. Here we will highlight few basic points which one should avoid while developing their website.

No Special software

Most of the content in your website should be in HTML format. Some important and sensitive content could be in pdf format which people could not alter if they intend to reproduce it. But you should never use a format which is not very popular and which requires users to download special software to view it. People won’t be interested in this software just to view some information on your website they would rather prefer to skip this information. This may contribute to making your website not very user friendly.

No extra window openings

There is an option which could be utilized to open links in a different window then which is currently being used by the internet user to view your website. In case you opt for opening links in new windows it will make the screen of the user very cluttered and he may lose interest in further browsing through your website. This should may be using very selectively.

No frequent changing of fonts

The font style and pattern throughout your website should be very similar. The heading and body text should follow the same pattern in all the web pages. In case you frequently change this pattern it will make difficult for the reader to adjust every time he opens up a new page in your website. This may shoo away many visitors from your website as they may not be able to concentrate on what is written on different pages of your website.

No extra A/V inputs

In your efforts to make your website more attractive don’t get carried away and load your website with unnecessary Audio/Visual inputs. Even the picture depictions on your website should be kept to a level which is necessary. Audio/Visual files and pictures are of heavy size and therefore would require more bandwidth to navigate through the website. Internet users with limited bandwidth would find it extremely difficult to navigate through your website freely.

No dead links

While making external or internal links in your website you used ensure all these links are working. Even slightest mistake while uploading these links could make them dysfunctional and users will hit a dead end every time they will click on these links. Especially if you have external links on your website you should check them from time to time if they are working or not.

No popups

Unnecessary pop ups irritate users and make your website non user friendly. User will have t spend lot of time closing these pop ups which could lead them to leave your site.

Hope the above tips will be followed by you so that your website could be made more user friendly and effective.

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