Does Your Business Plan Consultant Have Access to Angel Investment Business Funding?
If your business plan consultant has access to angel investors any of who can be approached to consider business funding for your start up business, take advantage of their services and network of contacts. In a recently published Harvard report by William R. Kerr, Josh Lerner, and Antoinette Schoar fundamentally proves beyond reasonable doubt that angel investment funded startup companies are less likely to fail than companies which have relied on other startup funding, funding sourced from banks, other venture capital sources and/or friends, families and fools (FFF) as the acronym used in the business refers to.
Angels by the very nature of the investment they offer and the background from which they spring tend to get more deeply involved in their chosen recipient of their funding package, and indeed it has to be said that they become more a part of the team than regular investment partners. Angels invest their own funds either on their own or as part of a network of angels, and are a reasonably recent phenomenon in the world of high risk business finance and funding. These individuals of a high self worth financially have extensive entrepreneurial knowledge and business development experience which they are able to impart to business owners and/or entrepreneurs.
Angels are nothing less than rigorous and thorough in the research they undertake concerning any potential high risk investment, after all it is a chunk of their own personal wealth they are placing on the line. Engaging a business consultant or indeed having access to a network of business consultants who have access to channels which open up doors to angel investment will help immensely in achieving a successful investment application. Angels, by virtue of the fact many of them are retired entrepreneurs or executives, may be interested in angel investing for reasons that go beyond pure monetary return. Indeed many of them are borderline philanthropists.
Angels are now only becoming a more recognized mainstream investment option for high risk potential high return startup businesses, although those in the know have been involved with angel networks for a number of years and have facilitated many successful business startups. Angels do not limit themselves to any particular business sector, neither are they limited in the funding they can provide, be it a few thousand or a few million depending on the type and size of the venture. is able to put entrepreneurs in touch with experienced entrepreneurs and former business executives all of who are able to offer venture capital in the form of angel investment. Acting as a business plan consultant, the highly specialized team can facilitate means of funding for high risk startup businesses – your business. Check out the website for more detailed information and contact details for getting in touch. The address of the website is