What Foods Should I Eat to Conceive a Boy
There are a million and one old wives tales related to what foods you should eat when you are trying to figure out how to conceive a boy. Have you heard the one about bananas, sweet foods, or fiber? You may be surprised to hear that some of these myths are actually backed by real science. The important thing to remember is that there is no fail safe method for conceiving a boy, but the tips in this article can certainly help you increase your chances.
So what’s the first thing you need to know. EAT MORE… that’s right. It may seem counter-intuitive but studies have shown that women who consume a higher calorie diet actually had an increased percentage of baby boys. That doesn’t mean you can head for the Big Macs and Bon Bons though. Studies also proved that women who were overweight had a more difficult time with conception. The actual data showed a calorie differential of 2,413 vs. 2,283. This may seem insignificant, but the added calories (healthy calories) helped to boost the body’s natural functions and ease in the methods of conception.
Just as we learned in grade school, we are supposed to eat three square meals a day. Guess what… they were right. Women who eat breakfast had an 87% increased chance of conceiving a boy. Breakfast is important for many reasons: it helps to kick start the metabolism and gets the body functioning. “So what should we eat”… glad you asked, steer clear of the bacon, egg and cheese’s. Cereal is the magic answer. That’s right, cereal. Most cereals (and use your head here) are high in fiber, nutrients, and vitamins. You know which ones you should be eating and which ones to steer clear of.
A banana a day keeps the doctor away, or was that apples? As it turns out, bananas or other foods high in potassium can be a big help to the body when trying to plan how to have a boy. What’s so special about potassium then? It all has to do with alkaline levels in your body (specifically your vaginal canal). Higher potassium levels can lower the PH of your body to make the conception environment more accommodating for the Y chromosome sperm (male sperm). Male sperm are stronger swimmers but weaker to outside environment, a high PH can kill the sperm before it reaches and subsequently fertilizes the egg.
It’s important that you monitor what you put in your body when you are trying to conceive a boy. A healthy diet can be not only good for your life but also for the start of your new family. So why not start each morning with a healthy bowl or corn flakes with banana slices and let me know when you get pregnant. Read on how to conceive a boy review for more information.