Condoms the Ticket to Safe Sex
Condoms are safety tickets for your sex life. We all know that the number of sexually transmitted diseases is growing day by day. This is obviously one of the main reasons that we now need to think of ways for staying away from them. If you are thinking of how to use a condom then obviously you are at the right place let you know that. Let us first look at the ways and then the facilities in detail,
1. Bye a condom over the counter and make sure that the condom are for sure sealed so that they are safe as also looking into the expiry date is obvious.
2. While you are fully aroused and the pennies is in the full form squeeze the condom and this is the time when you always need to be extra careful so that you do not squeeze the condom.
3. After the erections make the condom out with safety
This is the easy process for using male condom and female condom is just like a cup which you need to fix in the vagina before the pennies gets into it. This protects the sperm to get into the internal area of vagina.
The Safety measures that you must be conscious of while using condom:
1. Make the usage of best quality of condoms. Gong for brands is must.
2. If you are going for the first time then doing intercourse in the safe period is obviously must.
3. Take full care that the condoms are not torn while making them out of the packet
4. Do not forget to read the packet of the condom before using
5. There are several companies for which using the flavoured condoms but read if you feel that they can give your reactions then obviously do not go for them.
6. You can consider visiting websites with videos on how to use a condom. This will obviously help you in learning the right process for sure.
The uses of condoms are obviously needed must for sure as this is the safety guard for you. The day you plan for a baby you need not to use it but till then using it a must and for those who are having multiple sex men must go for this obviously. This is going to save them from various sexual diseases. Today with the development of time this has become easy to know how to use a condom with the help of the internet so visit today and see the videos and read blogs and start using condom today only for a better and safer life.
You can get information in this article about use of condoms for safe sex and how to use condom. Read more on common problems with condoms at Onlymyhealth.