Natural Aphrodisiacs for Women
Aphrodisiac is a word derived from the Greek myth of Aphrodite, Aphrodite refers to the Greek goddess of love, said to have come from the oceans on an oyster shell. Aphrodisiac are known to increase libido in women making them capable of enjoying their sex lives again.
Foods that are Natural Aphrodisiacs for Women
The use of food as natural aphrodisiacs for women is not a new phenomenon. These foods have been in use since time immemorial having been used by ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans with amazing results. Some of the foods that are regarded as natural aphrodisiacs for women include carrots, bananas and asparagus. There is the idea that a dish like the banana or asparagus, which are shaped like the male sexual organs, would have the effect of arousing the woman’s sexual drive.
Spices that are Natural aphrodisiacs for women
Experts have opined that foods that are shaped like the sexual organs, when eaten, would enhance the female sexual libido. The most commonly known spice used as natural aphrodisiacs for women are:
Jasmine is a flower that can be found the world over and it has an alluring scent. It makes aromatic scents in the form of perfume liqueurs. The jasmine’s flower seeds are poisonous and require one to handle them with utmost care. Apart from making perfume liqueurs, the other uses of jasmine are in making Jasmine tea, jasmine syrup, and jasmine essential oils.
Coriander is the other natural aphrodisiac for women, whose seeds are known to induce a euphoric effect in women. The spice is usually soaked in wine to boost female libido. The leaves of the coriander are also known to as Chinese parsley or Cilantro. Celery has a reputation for being one of the strongest of the natural aphrodisiacs for women. It is rich in vitamins B, C, A and P. apart from increasing female libido, it is also known to reduce cholesterol levels, rejuvenate aging arteries and improve muscles. Cayenne Pepper is rich in vitamins C which are known to be aid blood circulation. Ginger is a natural aphrodisiac for women and that is commonly used to spice up drinks. Due to its ability to excite the senses, it is known to produce hot flushes. Thyme is a natural aphrodisiac that comes as a nerve tonic which also cleanses the body.
Other natural aphrodisiacs for women
Saffron is known for its ability to stimulate the erogenous region. Research has shown that it acts like estrogen or testosterone- hormones responsible for increasing female sexual libido. The oregano is a spice that is known to induce an intense aphrodisiac effect and good for increasing female sex drive. Vanilla is also known to have an aphrodisiac effect which acts on the nervous system inducing feelings of sexual desire in women. The gland of the musk is known to have an aphrodisiac effect. Most it is used in the making of perfumes, sprays and powder. Lastly, mustard is known to stimulate the flow of blood into the sexual organs their by the functions of the sexual organs.