Using Credit Cards to Start a Business
Here, we are going to discuss financing your business with credit cards. It should be noted, immediately, that this type of debt financing is extremely expensive. In many instances, the use of credit cards in conjunction with starting a business typically costs upwards of 20% per year in interest. As such, the best candidates for using this type of capital are companies that have very low overhead costs and do not require many tangible assets. The most appropriate types of businesses for using credit cards when establishing a new venture are generally service based.
Most commonly, usage of credit cards are generally used by companies as well e-commerce websites that are able to operate on a local level. You should never take our more debt than you need when using this very expensive form of capital. It should be noted that you are going to have to pay approximately 2% of the total amount of debt on a monthly basis that you take out via the use of this type of receivables financing. However, if your business that is in operation, the usage of alternative financing such as receivables financing may be in your best interest at work to get the money need to expand your venture. Credit card receivables financing is one of the best ways to expand your business have you not qualify for other types of business credit.
As an alternative to using credit cards as your primary financing vehicle, you can always seek to take out a home equity loan or property loan that will allow you to start your business venture with a much lower interest rate form of capital. However, this requires that you provide a significant personal guarantee as to the debts are going to be associated with your business. Of course, and as we were mentioned time and time again, it is imperative for you to discuss these matters with your certified public accountant so that you can have a complete understanding of the risks that are associated with using this type of financing in order to launch your business operations.
Credit card financing for new businesses is a great way for you to start your company have minimal startup costs. However, you should weigh the risks against the benefits as it pertains to undertaking a significant debt obligation in order to launch your business venture. On a side note, you can use this specific type of financing in order to obtain the capital you need in order to launch your business then you should weigh the return on investment as it relates to the overall costs that you’ll be spending in regards to both interest payments as well as principal payments. You can easily determine what your monthly payment will be made by taking the total amount of financing that you intend to use and times that number by 0.02. Additionally, it should be noted that you are going to have to have a very good credit score in the work to receive the financing that you may need in order to launch the business use of credit cards. As such, you should check your credit score with all three major credit bureaus prior to seeking the financing that you need. If your credit score is less than par, you can expect that you’re going to have a significant amount of interest associated with this type of revolving line financing. As such, before you entertain the fact of using credit cards in order to launch a business you may want to clean up your credit report so that your it will receive the best interest rate possible prior to applying for credit.
Finally, in summation, it is extremely important for you to understand how you intend to finance your business especially if you’re using credit cards for this purpose. As such, we strongly recommend that you create a extensive Excel spreadsheet that estimates the amount of money you’ll be spending on a monthly basis regarding your loan repayments also focusing on your profit and loss statements, balance sheet, cash flow analysis, as well as you were break even analysis. If you find that it is economically viable to do so then you may want to entertain the idea of using credit card financing in order to start your small business.
Download Free Business Plan. No Registration Required! Includes 425+ Page Lender Directory.Matthew Deutsch is a prominent business plan writer. His work has been included in nine books pertaining to this subject. Additionally, Mr. Deutsch has written extensively on subjects regarding entrepreneurship, small business lending, and other related topics.