Mr Qaddafi’s move is dangerous
The us and Europe are going to put muammar qaddafi allowed in exile in China the 2011-06-25 Internet site Libya, former foreign secretary opposition representatives ShaLeJiaM 24, “rumors”, says the release of Libyan leader moamer kadhafi speaks in two to three weeks secret departure. The American media reported on says, new intelligence that Mr Qaddafi’s is “seriously considering” whether leave the seat of government capital of tripoli, looking for more safety hide-out.Tory Burch Elastic Flip Flop Red
The WanYouBao Italian edition of 24, to the video interview released ShaLeJiaM, content including Mr Qaddafi’s had been secretly contact “friendly” country, trying to find a way out in the future for personal future, ensure yourself from the international criminal court and reserves shall be investigated for financial asset.
ShaLeJiaM guess, belarus may be for Mr Qaddafi’s choice of one of exile. He is worried about, Mr Qaddafi’s to step down and exiled former is likely to take “dangerous”, “Mr Qaddafi’s move is dangerous. I can’t even imagine he left (capital) of tripoli former will do.”
However, ShaLeJiaM believe Mr Qaddafi’s not likely to damage the oil field, because Libya opposition now control 40% of the country, other oil Wells oil Wells of desert, the distance from the government under the control of the capital is quite far away.
ShaLeJiaM played Mr Qaddafi’s government 40 years, February this year from the government, to join the opposition “national transition commission Libya”.Tory Burch Enamel Flip Flop Black / Vase Print
Proof and the government contacLibya, 24, is that the opposition with Libya and South Africa in the French government indirect contact withThe French le figaro 24, to Libya opposition “published the transition commission” spokesman Tim samak interview.The spokesman says, Mr Qaddafi’s recently sent a representative to the French capital Paris participate in consultation; The opposition and Libya government “at this moment, but never had the middleman contact in direct negotiations”.He said the opposition samak stop against Mr Qaddafi’s regime conditions “remain unchanged”, that is, Mr Qaddafi’s and their relatives in any new government may not hold office, “we are not against his back to Libya oasis, accept international control somewhere.”