Social Media Marketing Plan

Social media marketing is done by off website activities that are initiated on social media websites for example Digg, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, Google Plus and many others for the purpose of spreading a message or content by the means of videos, text, images, audio, and widgets through the social web.

The businesses or organizations who are interested to use social media marketing techniques to build the awareness of the brand, promoting the services and products, generating web traffic and incoming links for the purpose of search engine optimization can always design social media marketing plan.

The social media marketing plan includes description of goals and objectives of clients, target audience details, and the implementation plan covering some specific goals, strategies, and techniques, key performance indicators for measuring success and ongoing media campaign management and support plan.

The things included in the social media marketing plan are being discussed below in brief –

1] Goals and Objectives: The goals and objective section of this plan includes setting the clients detailed goals and objectives like building brands, links, buzz, web traffic and many others; and determining the timelines and milestones for implementation and execution processes.

2] Market Analysis: This section describes the clients target market, the trends of that target market, its characteristics and the social activities. It includes the demographics, activities, and behavior of the target market where the target audience of client interacts, share information and make recommendations. It also provides the insight of the trend that is emerging within the clients social media target market. The technology platforms with actual behaviour and sophistication level of the clients target audience and assess the client’s current social marketing activities.

3] Implementation Plan: The implementation plan of social media campaign includes the following things –

• Marketing campaign foundation – It establishes a standard for measuring success and provides direction for the campaign messaging, visual content design and copywriting.

• Technologies and Platforms – This part discusses about what techniques are actually going to be used for the execution and implementation of the social media marketing plan.

• Content Development – It lists down the content which is going to be used in the marketing campaign. It covers totally all the parts of the content which are going to be used for the marketing purpose on different social media websites.

• Integration with traditional Online Marketing – Social media marketing campaign should be an integral part of the overall internet marketing strategy. This section illustrates how the social media marketing plan integrates with traditional online marketing activities.

• Management and Support – This section describes the campaign monitoring and measuring strategy, the tools and methodologies that will be used to determine the results and how the campaign is to be maintained during the course of time.

4] Resource Planning: This section details the cost and resources which are required to implement the plan and also for making it successful at the same time.

5] Review Process and Delivery: This plan is developed and reviewed by the experienced internet marketing staff. The review and delivery process of this marketing plan includes review of the client’s business objectives and goals, preparing and delivering the detailed social media marketing plan and the follow up session by phone to review the plan.

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