Armour thyroid: most effective and natural hypothyroidism treatment

Hypothyroidism affects millions of women especially during their pre-menopausal and post-menopausal years every year. The conventional approach of medicine is to treat the thyroid problems by giving supplements or thyroid medicines containing synthetic hormones as opposed to treating it in a natural way that actually benefit’s the whole body.

Among the vast variety of thyroid supplements available in the market today, thyroid armour is the most natural and safe alternative to the synthetic thyroid supplements available today. Armour supplement is made up of the dessicated pig’s thyroid hormone which resembles the human thyroid gland perfectly and thus offers a natural and safer approach to the treat of hypothyroidism among people.

Thyroid is small gland located at the center of the neck and is responsible for the metabolism of food in our body. Thyroid gland produces various hormones called thyroid hormones which help in the metabolism of food and other such metabolic activities of our body.

Most thyroid supplements available in the market today along with many other thyroid medicines prescribed by the doctors only contain the hormone T4 for the treatment of hypothyroidism among men and women today. Though our body not requires T4 but T3 as well for the proper metabolism of food and healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, these thyroid supplements thus prove to be lacking and inefficient in their approach.

Armour supplement contains not only T4 but T3 hormone as well and thus provides the body with all the natural thyroid hormones that an otherwise healthy thyroid gland produces for the efficient functioning and health of the body.

Thyroid armour is thus superior to these synthetic thyroid supplements in many ways. First it is natural as it is naturally produced in the pig’s thyroid gland unlike prepared in the laboratory. Second it provides the essential thyroid hormone T3 along with T4 for the complete and effective working of the thyroid gland.

Though otherwise safe and effective medicine, thyroid armour is a prescription medicine and must be taken under the close scrutiny or strict supervision of a doctor or physician to avoid any unwanted serious complication or adverse effects.

Also armour supplement must be taken in recommended doses as prescribed by your doctor. The medicine must be taken on the same time every-day before or after meals to increase effectiveness.

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