Dispute ended equity group into the game losers triple – triple trading company,
6 the morning of 17, Jinan City Commercial Bank to 7.2 yuan per share price, making walking
Triple Trading Company
22,765,600 shares, replacement of a triple triple trading company for the group and the second largest shareholder, be made a popular explosion. In the afternoon, many media interviews with me on this auction.
On this auction, I concentrate on the following three means:
First, the triple Group to become the biggest loser in this game. Chinese saying goes, is "s wisdom wrong", these words used in today's triple group who, could not be more apt. The last auction, triple Group fooling themselves setup, and to share U.S. bid higher than the country (14.6 million) 0.2 yuan bid successful, then the statement is "nothing that can triple trading company sold to fraudsters," but soon announced give up the photograph in the equity, the industry agreed that the Group is unable to pay triple auction section. The auction, the auction Sanlian Group because of the game was a lesson, is the court barred from bidding. Unexpectedly, the results did not raise prices triple group, the transaction price less than half of the last transaction price, triple the Group can be described as disastrous!
Second, Jinan City Commercial Bank to participate in this auction, and successfully beat away not only contrary to most expectations, but also contrary to the country the United States expected. Previously, most people believed that the auction, the buyer is none other than non-state America. To my astonishment as the triple Group Jinan City Commercial Bank creditors, even acquire a niche to enter, and got his wish. From media reports, Jinan City Commercial Bank, said in an interview the first thing turned out to be "I never expected so cheap!" Why should participate in Jinan City Commercial Bank auction? My analysis: First, it bullish triple trading company assets and future prospects of the triple trading company have a good forecast. Appears in the Jinan City Commercial Bank, triple the current issue of trading company, is the problem within Zhang Jisheng, to the country the United States operations, the situation may be totally different, so it was willing to "creditors transfiguration shareholders."
Third, the United States for the country, the Jinan City Commercial Bank shot to take this part of the shares, although not the best result, but it is the second best result. Jinan City Commercial Bank came after the United States and triple the country's largest trading companies will no longer be the majority shareholder of the challenges, the United States considered to be a country into the stomach of the heart. End of this month, triple trading company will hold a new shareholder meeting, after the U.S. forces will be fully stationed in the country, resulting in an overall end of the "idle" situation, the healthy development of the triple trading company is obviously beneficial. To the shareholders who, of course, wish for. In addition, the Jinan City Commercial Bank as a shareholder in triple trading company, trading company for the future operation of triple is a good thing, says bluntly, in the future, when triple trading company needs funds, commercial banks, the shareholders of Jinan what afraid.
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