Heartburn Symptoms
Many of us are familiar with the burning sensation that shoots up in the chest and eventually move upwards to the neck. At times, such pain can result in irritation in the stomach. The stomach contents reflux back up to the throat. You may even taste the bitter or sour taste in your mouth. Heartburn – you say disgustedly.
But the problem of heartburn should be addressed in time, lest it would become chronic. Some even confuse it to a cardiac problem. Hence, it is important to understand heartburn symptoms. Although the causes of heartburn may vary from person to person, the symptoms are generally the same. They can be as follows:
• Sour taste in the mouth – This, of course, is the primary symptoms of heartburn that most people are familiar with. Often, the burning feeling is associated with a sour-tasting food at the back of the throat.
• Pain in the chest – Chest pain is a commonly felt condition that is associated with heartburn. The pain generally originates at the back of the breastbone and moves up to the neck. Many people also confuse the chest pain to be a symptom of heart attack. Hence, it is better to seek medical advice to ascertain the real cause of it.
• Stomach cramps – Some people may develop muscle spasms in the stomach, especially in the abdomen.
• Difficulty in swallowing food – People having heartburn may have difficulty in swallowing food. It may be accompanied by a feeling as though the foods got stuck in the throat or in the middle of the food pipe.
• Coughing – Severe heartburn can also cause coughing even amongst non-smokers. The coughing occurs when the acid formed in the stomach comes back into the esophagus. It may also lead to a sore throat and there may also be hoarseness in the voice.
• Occasional incidence of heartburn is normal and is of not much concern but chronic heartburn may be worrisome, putting the esophagus in danger. The acid may corrode its internal lining, causing scarring and bleeding. At times, the condition may deteriorate and there is the risk of the cancer of the esophagus. Hence, proper remedial action is imperative. Heartburn remedies may be as follow:
• Eating smaller meals at frequent intervals is one way of avoiding heartburn. You should also desist from eating snacks before going to bed.
• Avoid those foods that are known to create a stomach upset for you. Some studies indicate that foods rich in fat, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, citrus and spicy foods may be responsible for heartburn.
• Chewing or sucking an antacid tablet is the most common way to get relief. If you have a recurring problem of heartburn, taking a tablet after half an hour of taking the meal, is the ideal way to prevent it. At times, the doctors prescribe doses of antacid for longer periods. In case the antacid prove ineffective, other drugs like Tagamet HR, Axid AR or Pepcid AC may be recommended.
Sometimes prolonged heartburn may necessitate surgery of the lower esophageal.
You can find more information about heartburn symptoms and Heartburn remedies on our websites.