Tamil Nadu to launch IGNOU’s ‘Grama Vaidya’ certification to traditional healers
Tamil Nadu will soon become the first state in the country to launch thenational program to be conducted by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Accreditation and Certification acquired (AMPA) health professionals of the traditional countries. The University will comply with the traditional healers with a reward, “Grama Vaidya.
ACPL is a system for verification and for the genuine traditional healers, who practiced the traditional system of the indigenous villages of the method of application supported by herbal medicines. Carriers in the old families, who have been trained by their ancestors and maintain their traditional knowledge, in practice, is now directed to honor the award for “Grama Vaidya”. The university plans to introduce a pilot study, 8 Indian states including Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Orissa, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.
The project is ongoing for the first time in Tamil Nadu and Chennai-based Centre for Traditional Medicine and Research (CGR) has been designated as coordinator for the implementation of the plan of the state.
Even if the news program, Dr. T Thirunarayanan, secretary of the CTM Regulation, said the system will be implemented initially Vellore district and multi-stakeholder consultation meeting was held in Chennai recently to discuss the requirements for the minimum problem certification (MSC),IGNOU has developed for the implementation of the system. He said that the notice has been given by the city’s vernacular newspapers, inviting applications for traditional healers to choose the prize. Of the 50 applications received 23 center has been rejected because of false accusations, and the other in age and experience. Functional literacy and 10 years of experience in at least the qualifications of the selection of the award, he said.
University launches the AMPA with an organized system to make it signed an agreement with Quality Council of India (CRI) and the Ministry of revitalizing local health traditions (FRLTH). The scheme of IGNOU is funded by the Department of Ayush.
Dr. Thirunarayanan these standards to test therapies and traditional healers can confirm FRLTH QCI and prepare the necessary parameters for recognition. Trade Mark Regulation, and training to a minimum and five specialized team consists of trained medical evaluation of the institutional rules of the candidates on a variety of methods, such as oral examinations. Healers must demonstrate their practical skills before the panel.
ACPL consists of five traditional methods of treatment, such as jaundice treatment performed by a midwife, fixing fractures, treatment of skin diseases and snake bites.
According to the Regulation on the Community trademark is a combined effort of IGNOU Student Zone and the Department of Ayush can be considered as official recognition for traditional health care services in rural areas, and so far there is no national or state program to include within the scope of Community health workers.
When asked if a qualified and registered practitioners ISM opposed to ACPL IGNOU awards because the system is able to prevent their access to the campaign, Dr. Thirunarayanan replied that there was a shortage of qualified doctors in the ISM can meet the needs of the villagers.