The Charm of Evil Eye Jewelry

The evil eye isn’t a mere superstitious myth. Evil eye beads are not mere best of luck charms. The users are reminded of togetherness and they share a common belief. Greek Orthodox, Jews, and Catholics from Mexico or Muslims from Iran, Turkey or other parts of the center East, use evil eye beads. These are people from different religious backgrounds and who otherwise regard each other as enemies. They are brought together in their belief in and employ of evil eye talisman in bringing best of luck and preventing evil. Evil eye reminds them that regardless of the hostility that exists amongst them, all of them belong to mankind. Evil eye jewelry is created in the form of evil eye bracelets, necklaces, earrings and evil eye pendant.

Lots of people in the centre East and Mediterranean region think that praise or gazes they receive using their company people would bring them misfortune. Praises may actually wish no harm but evil spirits might take a ride on words of praise or admiring looks. Evil Eye Bead, referred in Turkey as Nazar Boncuk charm, normally has a blue background. It looks back in the others and keeps away evil spirits thus providing protection towards the wearer. It is a common item of decoration on peoples bodies, cars or homes. The charm sometimes appears hanging from doorways, in cars, women’s waists or baked into concrete in offices. Every newborn baby has an evil eye bead pinned on its shirt. You’ll locate fairly easily and purchase an evil eye bracelet in Turkey.

Different regions prefer different colors. In Turkey and the neighboring countries blue evil eye charm is most widely used. Water, in Turkey, is very precious and lack of it leads to withering and death but its presence gives growth and prosperity. Nowhere color is a reminder of cool, freshwater. Jews prefer red color, that is related to fortune and luck. Other colors may be a few choice or fashion, when one desires to match color coordination within the wardrobe. Whatever the color talisman it is believed to provide protection against evil and produce good luck.

The origin of evil eye beads has been traced to thousands of years ago. Writings on Sumerian clay tablets estimated to have occurred in 3000 BC can be the earliest reference. Exceptional quality agate beads were excavated at Ur from the royal Sumerian graves. These were believed to have been utilized by their wearers to ward off evil. In the regions covering Central Asia, Greece, western China and Turkey people strongly have confidence in the powers from the evil eye and extremely fear them. These believers do not wonder if these powers actually exist or otherwise.

It is a traditional in Turkey to wear evil eye jewelry in the form of evil eye bracelets, earrings, necklaces, brooches, waist beads, talisman and evil eye pendants for protection against misfortunes caused by evil eye.Click here To get know more about evil eye.

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