Muscle Strain In The TMJ
The functioning of the TMJ or the temporomandibular joint is not always perfect and the problem is something shared by a lot of people in different countries but considering that you do not have problems with what connects your jaw to the side of your head, you can chew, talk, yawn, or sing with ease. What you need to think about are the activities that rely on the power of the jaw for them to be effective.
Early on, you will have a hard time figuring out that what you are suffering from is a TMJ disorder and this is because of the fact that the symptoms that it involves are not exclusive meaning that other conditions can also be attributed to these. Usually, a problem with the TMJ can be spotted if the joint itself is hotter than usual.
Regardless of what causes your stress, this can lead to a TMJ disorder without you knowing. Before any medication is taken, you need to see to it that the reason behind the problem is identified correctly. For some people, their TMJ problem comes from a traumatic experience while some get it because they grind their teeth when they sleep and then there are those who blame infections and other concerns with their teeth for this particular problem.
Actually, when it comes to musicians, the way they tilt their heads while playing sometimes causes such a problem to happen. Playing the viola and similar instruments can lead to the problem because of the stress factor. The pain in the jaw that comes with playing certain string instruments can come from a variety of reasons apart from the stress and these include the position of the neck and shoulders as well as the particular motion of the bow.
Without knowing the root of a temporomandibular joint problem, you will not be able to determine which treatment is suitable for a person. The length of time that passes prior to the diagnosis of a problem has an effect on the treatment given. Aside from ice or heat packs, you can also try to massage the jaw area to soothe it. There are times when simple r&r can make a lot of difference in terms of preventing the problem from happening again. For some people, TMJ pain is caused by teeth grinding when they sleep and if this is the case, a mouth guard can be prescribed.
Regardless of what type of musical instrument you play, posture is something you have to be aware of. As much as possible, use your breaks to relax the jaw muscles whenever you play. Some type of barrier placed in between the teeth can help you out if you clench your teeth while playing string instruments. For some people, actions that are more serious need to be considered like invasive dental procedures that will help clean out any debris that contributes to the problem. There is no room for reconstructive surgery in this case and this will not solve the problem.
Any pain in the area of the TMJ should be addressed by obtaining the appropriate medical advice. The causes behind your problem may be determined if you provide your physician with your medical history and scan results. What you should do is get two opinions when it comes to this sort of thing.
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