Home Remedies for Ear Mites – Safe Natural Treatment
Ear mites are the mites or parasites that can be found in the ears of pets that are infected with them, especially cats. Other pets like dogs, rabbits and cattle too can have these mites. The symptoms are quite clear. When a pet constantly scratches its ears or shakes its head in discomfort, it is sure to have ear mites. Some dogs with long ears are more likely to have ear mites, since mites find a good place to breed inside the moist ear, where the passage of air is very little. These mites run around in the pet’s ears and make its life miserable.
The pets scratch their ears in pain causing them to bleed, and this may tend to harm the delicate blood vessels inside the ears. Under the microscope, one can see the mites surviving in the black or the coffee colored debris along with the earwax. The ears give out a foul smell. In extreme cases, it could lead to a dark coloured discharge, and later to deafness. It is contagious, and can easily spread from infected pets to healthy ones in the neighborhood. The infected pets must be kept indoors while they are being treated. For treatment, there are some very simple and easy home remedies for ear mites.
The ears canals of the pets can be cleaned with cotton buds or a soft cotton cloth, dipped in olive oil or any good cooking oil. This cleanses the ears and prevents the mites’ eggs from breeding and multiplying. The ears can then be massaged with Ivermectin, which is readily available at a pet drug store. This helps to reduce the pain and swelling in the ears. The cats and rabbits can also be given injections of Ivermection.
Alternately, almond oil or olive oil can also be dropped in the ears with the help of a syringe. This stops the mites from growing in number, and is one of the most effective of all home remedies for ear mites. Another one of the easiest home remedies for ear mites is to mix equal quantities of Vitamin E oil and almond oil to be poured into the ear, and left for sometime to soften the hard debris of the ears. This can be used for a few days to get the desired results.
Some canine cleaners are readily available in the market, and the pets’ ears can safely be cleaned with it. The ear canal can also be cleaned with Chlorhexidine to get rid of the bacteria or yeast. Mineral oil can be poured into the ear, and the ear can then be massaged to soften the skin and heal it by discouraging the bacteria to grow. Selamectin is a very good antibiotic that is recommended for the cats’ ears. Zymox is indeed the most popular antibiotic ointment to be used after cleansing the ear. The ears of the pets should be thoroughly cleaned and dried after a bath, and one should regularly keep looking for signs of any parasites that might affect the body.
Read more Home Remedies for Ear Infection. Also know useful Home Remedies for Ear Wax Removal.