Protect Your Brand Trademark With Anti Counterfeiting Solutions
Back in the year 2007, the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition found out that approximately 80 percent of the counterfeits confiscated by the U.S. customs authorities originated in China. Simultaneously, about the same percentage of counterfeits that were sold round the globe, were also produced in China. The process of stealing brand value is still practiced in China as counterfeiting continues to increase over the past few years and is considered a crime in the worldwide market.
Where do counterfeits exist?
Counterfeits are available in kinds of products, starting from our daily breakfast cereals to medicine used for injuries as well as cosmetic, personal care and other lifestyle products. Certain medical counterfeits resulted in induced injuries and even led to death of certain patients; where as other personal and cosmetic products gave rise to skin ailments.
According to the U.S Commerce Department, about 20 percent of the consumer products available in the Chinese markets are fake. These counterfeits can degrade the original brand value, reputation, and lead to customer dissatisfaction. It is a threat to the global business, and requires effective anti-counterfeiting solutions at work to curb the negativity caused by the fake products.
Anti Counterfeiting Solutions
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has declared product counterfeiting as a crime. In fact, it asserts that no second or third party should rope in the benefits illegally in terms of revenues of an original brand name by creating a counterfeit. This applies to all the industries. Presently, there have been few eminent companies offering comprehensive online fraud protection through their anti-counterfeiting solutions that cover the following areas:-
- Anti-counterfeiting methods for luxury goods
- Ways to prevent pharmaceutical counterfeiting
- Ways to stop counterfeit piracy threat and gray market
- Anti-counterfeiting solutions for the technical products
- Intellectual property fraud protection
Today, the counterfeit industry records a global turnover of about $60 US billion. This leads to economic losses of various kinds. Hence, a company should not only monitor its trademark information but also put into use certain trademark protection measures.
Top service providers of trademark protection help the companies by offering the following services:-
- Maintaining evidence
- Taking a Snapshot of the product
- Listing with Time/Date Stamp
- Connecting the dots with relevant reporting
- Exporting to external systems for deeper analysis
Your brand value and its trademark are of utmost importance, bearing the identity of the product and service. With the rising counterfeit acts, it is essential that you protect your brand with efficient protective measures.