What Exactly Is IPL Hair Removal?
Recent advancements in hair removal technology gave way to new methods in permanent hair removal. One procedure is called Intense Pulsed Light or IPL hair removal for short. It is a technology aimed at creating an intense light during a very short period of time. It requires a specific number of lamps together with capacitor whose rapid discharge produces the high level of energy required to carry out a painless hair removal.
IPL hair removal is a method most commonly employed by accredited medical practitioners and estheticians , as it involves the use of a specifically constructed “xenon flash lamp” and focusing optics. With regards to the cost of such a procedure, the IPL hair removal method is predominantly cheaper than the recent laser hair removal method and much faster to do, according to some of the known estheticians who have used IPL hair removal. This new technology incorporates dual filtering and other important advances, which results in a safer and more effective method of hair removal. The current study regarding IPL-base hair removal method is considered to be the most popular in the market today.
The mechanics and procedure of using an IPL hair removal method is done by focusing a broad-spectrum of light to the surface of the skin by either a hand-held wand or an articulated arm device. This light goes through the skin and hits the bub or root of the hair. The highest concentration of melanin can be found in the bulb or root, as opposed to the rest of the hair shaft. As the light is converted to heat energy, the bulb (root) and hair shaft is easily vaporized. The intense heat produces a radiation effect that also destroys the hair-producing capilla, including the entire hair follicle.
Is IPL Hair Removal Painful?
The IPL hair removal equipment produces pulses of light in short duration, so discomfort and damage to tissues around the target area is minimal. Most people who undergo permanent hair removal using the IPL hair removal method only experience slight irritation comparable to minor sunburn though sometimes, blisters may be acquired. Men who undergo the procedure may experience greater discomfort compared to women, due to the fact that male body hair is generally thicker than women’s.
Advantages of IPL Hair Removal
The advantages or pros of using an IPL hair removal method speaks for itself because it is the most popular and widely used procedure in hair removal today. One common reason of using this procedure is that it can handle any type of skin. IPL hair removal method can be customized based on hair color, skin color and even hair depth. IPL technology is also employed in treating skin disorders including dyspigmentation and vascular changes due to sun damage, acne, poikiloderma, broken capillaries and pigmented birth marks. This process is commonly known as photorejuvenation.
Disadvantages of IPL Hair Removal
While IPL hair removal method is a promising procedure , there are some minimal side effects and disadvantages of this procedure. Sometimes the skin pigment cells or scientifically known as melanocytes can get damaged resulting to paler or darker skin patches. Also hair removal using the IPL method may not be very effective on red hair, white hair or blonde hair.
For more information on IPL hair removal, visit the Fabulous IPL website. We offer painless & permanent removal of hair in Singapore. IPL hair removal results guaranteed!
For more information on IPL hair removal, visit the Fabulous IPL website. We offer painless & permanent removal of hair in Singapore. IPL hair removal results guaranteed!