Drug Guide: Endometrin
Endometrin consists of progesterone that should be applied inside your vagina. This will aid implantation to the embryo and help it survive until the placenta is ready to do its function. This is recommended for females who are undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology and for patients who have disorder with infertility and maintaining pregnancy to full term.
The usual prescribed dose of this medication is 100 mg to be given vaginally for two to three times a day depending on your fertility specialist. This drug can only be given after the physician was able to retrieve mature egg cells. This medication is taken up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. You may be able to purchase Endometrin in a 100 mg suppository with an oblong shaped tablet. It is individually packed in a foil pouch to maintain potency. Stow the suppository at 25 degrees Celsius.
Studies have shown that females who took this medication reported adverse effects such as profuse vaginal bleeding, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, fatigue, urinary tract infection, constipation, distended abdomen, abdominal tenderness, nausea and vomiting. There are some less serious effects that must be noted such as vaginal irritation, itching, discomfort, urticaria and edema. Since this drug is given and should be inserted within your vagina, it is important not to use other vaginal drugs especially antifungal products to avoid medication to medication interaction.
Clinical studies showed that out of 404 women who took Endometrin 143 of them were able to give birth and 85 of them were singleton, 56 of them were twins and 2 triplets. The rest of the correspondence reported 13 spontaneous abortion, 1 ectopic pregnancy and 7 of them have multiple birth defects. Such birth defects include congenital heart disease, spina bifida, intrauterine growth retardation as well as cleft palate.
Women who can’t take this drug or those who are contraindicated to use Endometrin are females who have allergic reactions to progesterone containing drugs, abnormal vaginal hemorrhage, liver and kidney conditions and history of clotting disorders in the blood.
It is important to use this product as prescribed by your physician. This medication has the ability to make you drowsy or lightheaded and you shouldn’t drive or use heavy machines or any type of activities that will require a great deal of concentration until you are fully recovered. Alcohol containing products and alcoholic beverages should be discourage to protect the unborn fetus and to minimize any side effects of the medication. This drug may be used when pregnant under close supervision by your fertility physician.
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