Green Card renewal-the things you must know
A green card is the permanent resident card of United States. In other way a green card is the legal resident status of an individual in United States and a green card holder has the right to enjoy the fundamental rights scheduled for common US citizens and to get employment authorization, setting his business set up, etc. in any places of Unites States. From the point of immigration law, a green card signifies the legal registration of the card holder with US Immigration laws.
Therefore it is important to know the process of retention of green card, and in this retention process, green card renewal is a great issue.
Green card renewal holds immense significance because an expired green card is liable to be considered as out of date and out of status and the legal authority reserves the right to deny the entry of the individual within US territory against his relapsed green card. Usually a Green card requires renewal after 10 years of its issuance subject to the declared social status; the expiry date of Green card remains mentioned on the front page of the same. In case your green card is about of expire or has expired already you should immediately start your green card renewal process.
The form which is to be filled for the renewal of green Card is called I 90. There are several fields mentioned in the form and at the time filling the form all entries should be done in proper manner and following the instructions attached with the form. However, while filling the form if there is any obscurity is always wise to contact the concerned authorities for relevant assistance to fill the same. However, there are lots of reliable websites from where the virtual assistance for filling I 90 forms can be availed.
After due completion of the required details on the form, the individual, whose green card is to be renewed, should contact nearest USCIS office for getting a new permanent card. While receiving the same some identity proof has to be placed in front of the issuing authority like passport, driver’s license, three latest passport sized photo, photocopies of front and rear page of the expired green card, alien registration number, and proof of departure from United States, and scheduled green card renewal fee.
In 2010, the renewal free for green card renewal is scheduled as $290 and the free for biometric checking is $80. However, it is always wise to tally the fees with official USCIS website before you submit your application. Checks or drafts issued by over seas banks are not accepted and all financial instruments should be issued on US Banks or financial institutions only. However, if someone is reapplying for the green card renewal regarding some wrong information mentioned on it and the responsibility of that wrong information goes to UNCIS authority, the said individual is not liable to deposit any fee against his renewal process.
Biometric verification is done before green card renewal. It is an automated method to verify the intrinsic behavioral and physical states. It is part of US identity access management which authenticates the process of identification for the issuance of permanent residence card. At the time of green card renewal, providing new biometric information is obligatory.
Us immigration is an opportunity for a better job, better living and numerous facilities; most working people needs us citizenship information to get to United States for this, even the green card renewal is pretty important to continue working in there.