Pig Grain Price Ratio Below The Break Point And Do Not Support Pig Farmers Facin

So far, Shandong Province and Jinan City The price of pork Has been a downward trend for 4 weeks. Price of meat fell from students Pig price Lower, the relevant departments to monitor display, Shandong Province Pig Grain price ratio 6:1 for two consecutive weeks below the breakeven point, pig Cultivation Industry loss. Next, pig farmers to do?

Half a month or two into the price of live pigs

Jinan, Shandong’s price from the department learned that, Jinan City The price of live pigs and pork prices before the Spring Festival starting from the continuous downward trend. Jinan price sector monitoring data show that on February 10, hog prices for the 6.83 yuan / 500 grams carcass meat price of 8.93 yuan / 500 grams of pork meat and the price per 500 grams were 8.88 yuan and 10.88 yuan. The price compared with the previous year, at least 10% cheaper. After the Spring Festival, live pigs and pork prices continue to fall. February 25 figures, Jinan market hog prices was 5.33 yuan / 500 g, carcass meat price of 7.23 yuan / 500 grams, pork and meat price per 500 grams of 7.82 yuan and 9.13 yuan. Just half a month, hog prices fell 22%, pork prices fell 19% to 12%.

Not only Jinan, province and the country, live pigs and pork prices are “straight down.” Shandong prices and agricultural sectors published data indicate that the Spring Festival, Shandong Province, hog prices began to fall, after the Spring Festival, continued to trend down years ago, the current average pig grain price ratio has been 6:1 for two consecutive weeks below the breakeven point, hog prices would decline also increased. The country also appeared lower meat prices generally trend has been for 4 weeks.

Price department of Jinan City, to promote the continued low price of meat is due to many factors. First, the over-supply. With the increased scale farming, local concentration of slaughter pigs in the pre-holiday, coupled with the disease also affected farmers panic selling, the market oversupply. Second, the national reserves of meat on the market. Last year, the reserves are on the market a number of carcass meat, meat prices suppressed. In addition, diversification of consumer demand, meat consumption will not only focus on pork and pork consumption has always been after the holiday season, to some extent also reduced the rise in consumption of pork.

Pig farmers face a choice

Meat prices continued to fall, so that pig breeding industry losing money. Jinan City, the town of Rose Pingyin pig farmers Lao Gao to see today’s first words: “Now Pig Too lose money, and it lost badly! “Lao Gao is their big village pig, pig breeding stock generally are between 50 to 30, and now his column there are more than 12 100 kg pig awaiting slaughter.

Lao Gao told reporters, adding he was in October last year, a new pig, about 30 people behind it about a week before Chinese New Year rush to slaughter nearly 20, when the price is 6.4 yuan per 500 grams. Unexpectedly, after a month, the purchase price actually dropped to 4 yuan per 500 grams. “The pigs eat three meals a day, eat two pounds since the meal with Feed One day it will cost to eat the cost of light more than seven money, if coupled with labor costs, vaccination fees, a pig feeding off one day have to pay more than two money. The cost is about a pig around in 1000, sold 5 per catty of pork only to preserve capital. “Lao Gao calculations,” the pig is close to 4 dollars a pound before, usually raise a pig to slaughter at about 200 pounds, so the less of a pig have to pay more than 150 pieces, if hit by an illness special circumstances, compensation may be greater … … ”

Reporter learned that, Lao Gao village where the pigs had an 14, but because pork prices have been falling, and prospects are not optimistic that many people prefer not pig out working, and now the village with Lao Gao only two still sticking to pig, and now he has been a while expecting prices to rise.

Reporter learned that, taking into account the cost of disease and other problems, many farmers such as the Lao Gao retail has been thinking about quitting, Recently stopped Bulan, among others are watching, and some direct to give up pig .

Or continue into the second half of the current round of decline

Livestock Department official told reporters that the relevant, current pig breeding industry can be said to have entered a cyclical “trough”, which is presented in the normal pig periodic law, generally 2 to 3 years there will be a cycle.

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