4 Sure Ways to Get Pregnant Fast and Easily
Most people have babies within first year of trying but for some couples, getting pregnant is not as easy as it seems. No matter what they do, they are still unable to get the good news they have been hoping for and making babies becomes really stressful. Before you get disappointed and sink into depression, here are a few things that you can do on how to get pregnant fast.
What Can I Do to Become Pregnant Easily?
1. Ovulation normally happens 14 days before your menstrual period begins. That implies if your menstrual cycle is 30 days long, then day 16 would be your best time to get pregnant. If you find difficult to keep a count on these days, you can use a Body Basal Temperature (BBT) chart to determine when you are ovulating. To do this, you have to take your basal temperature in the morning when you get up, and when ovulation period starts, you’ll see a slight rise in your temperature.
Alternatively, to know your most fertile days accurately, you might want to use ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) or tests. You can get one fairly inexpensive and it will help you get pregnant easily.
2. Keep your vaginal environment as sperm-friendly as possible. Avoid vaginal sprays and scented tampons, artificial lubricants, vegetable oils, glycerin, saliva and douching. Some of these can cause a pH imbalance in your vagina and kill off sperm.
3. Keep track of your cervical mucus. The appearance of cervical mucus will change because of ovulation. When you check yourself every day, you will eventually see slippery, sticky and stretchy vaginal discharge. This will indicate ovulation and help you to know your best chance to get pregnant. Be sure to do your checks before a shower, bath or swim as these activities can affect the quantity and quality of your cervical mucus.
4. A healthy diet and lifestyle is essential when trying to get pregnant. You should make sure that your body is getting the necessary nutrients to keep it in top performance. Increase your fiber intake, take folic acid supplement and try to limit animal protein and vegetable oils as these foods affect your estrogen levels. Also, quit smoking, avoid alcohol and go easy on caffeine. A few studies have shown that excessive caffeine consumption may lead to fertility problems.
Learn to manage stress through deep breathing and daily relaxation. Gentle exercises such as walking for 20 to 30 minutes is recommended since anything strenuous can drain your body of vital nutrient stores which are needed to improve your reproductive health. Read on ways to increase fertility for more information.