Textile Enterprises “going Out” To Go Far Faster Pace

By the end of March, at the centenary Qixian rely hundred Tong Tong Holdings Group (Vietnam) Yarn Co., Ltd., to more than 10 million dollars worth of spandex successfully exported to Vietnam. “With Vietnam’s offshore export window is the company’s first attempt to expand the international market. Next, we plan to set up offshore Brazil and other countries Windows, hold more international market share.” Meng, chairman be confidently said.

A quarter of new foreign window 8

To set up factories abroad, set up the window, is insurance market, an important starting point for capital growth. The first quarter of this year, foreign-invested enterprises newly approved county 8, a total investment of 10.05 million U.S. dollars, up 39%. Binhai Industrial Zone is located in the “Kwong Fung Dyeing” is a new transit Group Companies, actively implement the “going out” strategy, one million U.S. dollars investment in Brazil Trading Co., Ltd. established. Prior to that, “new transit” has been successively in Brazil, South Korea, and many countries have set up sales outlets abroad, and overseas trademark registration. Five foreign printing companies “going global” also go far steady pace, set up in Nigeria on the basis of the window, one after another this year in Mali, Togo and other countries outside the window of the establishment of four, fully explore the international market.

Some companies to slow down

“With the post-crisis era, domestic market demand continues to expand, the county has been interested in a lot of ‘going out’ business has slowed down a ‘step’.” County in charge of foreign economic and trade bureau said. Late last year, according to research, due to the international financial crisis, the county outside the textile industry have been planning to set up window, reduce intermediate links, to improve market competitiveness. “But from the first quarter, foreign-invested enterprises reported the number of terms, much lower than the expected end of last year.” The official said.

“Going out” is at

“Now is the companies ‘going out’ a good time.” Meng-ting said the financial crisis gave us a profound “education classes” – for the market, companies must be “more legs” to walk, to open up multiple “back-up the market. ” To this end, “life together” in short supply in the domestic market situation is still actively “go out”, to set up outside the window, to explore the international market as a top priority this year, the development of enterprises.

“Going out” is necessary and important county exports “engine.” International financial crisis sweeping the globe, the county’s foreign trade be hit, but the government and enterprises to actively seek a way out, the “going out” to carry out foreign economic cooperation, the establishment of foreign enterprises (the window), to establish the international marketing network, as the crack trade difficulties, and effective guidance of the enterprises “going out” new markets, seek business opportunities. Last year, the operation of the county outside the window more than 80, for a total of about 600 million U.S. dollars to stimulate exports, accounting for 10% of the county’s total exports, which bring in 10 million U.S. dollars export window has five.

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