Green Hosting
Hosting is potentially a wasteful industry. If done badly it consumes vast amounts of energy unnecessarily, and generates pollution as a result.
Any company with eco-principles that decides to outsource its IT should seek a <a href=””>managed hosting</a> specialist with <a href=””>green hosting</a> credentials to match their own.
An eco-friendly <a href=” /”>managed hosting </a> model would be built for its efficiency, with the energy savings reflected in a competitive price structure.
The most cost-efficient <a href=” /”>managed hosting </a> solution wastes neither energy nor hardware when powering a business’s IT. Small enterprises cannot afford waste and even small-percentage waste from big enterprises can mean a big carbon footprint.
Here are some eco-friendly <a href=” /”>managed hosting </a> methods that go some way toward cutting waste, and that can save money as a result:
– Realise the potential savings of cloud computing.
The virtualisation technology at the heart of cloud-hosting platforms is another energy and hardware saving method for <a href=” /”>managed hosting </a>companies, as virtual servers do not use a hard disk and can reside together simultaneously on a single physical server.
Becoming less reliant on hardware means being able to scale up swiftly, without taking on extra hardware. This is a greener, more efficient hosting method for businesses whose hosting requirements have to cope with heavy load.
– Switch to low-voltage servers, and provision resources smartly.
Deploying low-voltage servers powered by DC power is efficient and saves money for both the managed hosting specialist and their client. Data centres can run perfectly on sustainable DC power and a hot/cold aisle system will keep servers at the optimum temperature, and save money while reducing the rate of server crashes.
– Punch above your weight.
A smaller enterprise will usually find sustainability simpler to implement than a large enterprise. For example an inefficient office space can spell out expensive and wasteful air-conditioning bills (as well as other costs), whereas a small enterprise can run a lean operation and still punch well above its weight – and just open the windows to let some air circulate.
In an energy-greedy industry such as online hosting, a lot of power is used inefficiently. Buying green energy is more praiseworthy than using non-renewable power, but is still a form of carbon off-setting rather than reduction. A <a href=””> green hosting</a> platform can strive to be carbon neutral by design, not just by retrospective offsetting.
– Recycle wherever possible.
The simplest step to take when adopting an eco-friendly model is recycling. Unfortunately many companies only get as far as paper recycling in their offices, but the green hosting model goes farther, also recycling hardware such as CPU chassis, rather than make needless discards.
In conclusion, the managed hosting industry does not have to pollute or be wasteful, it just has to focus on efficiency. And the best indicator of whether a hosting company is truly eco-friendly is to observe how it deploys its technology.