If You Have Had An Accident Contact A Solicitor

If you have been the victim of an accident where you were in no way to blame then you will be entitled to make a claim for injury compensation and you should. Accidents occur all the time unfortunately and it is possible that you could have suffered a road traffic accident, an accident while walking outside due to an unrepaired pathway or manhole cover or it may have been an accident at work. As long as your accident happened less than three years ago you have the right to file an injury compensation claim and it is advisable to get in touch with a good no win no fee lawyer to assist you.

The majority of injury claims are filed against motor insurance organizations then companies where employees have been injured through negligence. It is not as easy as you may think to win an injury compensation claim as you have to leave the court in no doubt that the other party was totally responsible for your injuries. This is a difficult thing to do and if you have a genuine case it is advisable that you seek the help of a good no win no fee solicitor who can prepare your case for you and will have the experience to know what aspects of your case to focus on in an attempt to win your claim.

The whole point of hiring a no win no fee lawyer is so that you do not have to pay any fees even if your case is not successful. Once you have decided on a solicitor they will want to discuss all details about your accident and subsequent injury and then they will make an assessment as to whether you qualify for the no win no scheme or not. Documentation will also be required by the solicitor and they will want to make a diary of events about the accident and what followed as well as require you to produce hospital appointment cards, copies of prescriptions and receipts for any monies that you have had to pay out as a direct result of being the victim of the accident.

The next step is usually for the solicitor to bring in an independent medical advisor to conduct a thorough examination of your injuries and provide a full report that can be used in court and then they will let the third party know that you intend to make a claim. In many cases the third party may wish to settle out of court as the legal costs of a court case are very high. This happens in the majority of cases. The stronger the case that you can present to the third party the better and a no win no fee solicitor with the right experience can really help with this.

When you have been injured in an accident then contracting an experienced professional to assist you is vital. Find out what kind of track record the solicitor has with accident claims. If you can get a referral from a trusted person who has had a winning claim then do that. You should have a few prospects at this stage and it is now critical that you get written confirmation of the costs you will be liabe for if any by working with them. You do not want to be faced with any surprise costs during or after the claim has been made. Finally ask them to explain how the process works and what is expected of you.

If you have been involved in a traffic accident, an accident at work or any other accident that wasn’t your fault then get in touch with Accident Line Direct and they will help you locate the very best no win no fee solicitor near to you so that you can make a professional personal injury claim.

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