640-893 training practice
“Cisco 640-893’s ability to innovate is why customers rely on us as a strategic business partner rather than merely a product technology vendor,” said Wayne Hull, director and general manager, Cisco UAE.
“Our aim is to leverage GITEX Technology Week as a platform to showcase our product innovation, whereby customers and partners will have the opportunity to explore how the network has become the most strategic IT asset today. Furthermore,Cisco 640-893 GITEX is also an important event to connect with key business decision makers and continue to build relationships with customers and partners.”
GITEX, in its 31st successive year, is acknowledged as one of the most prominent ICT events around the globe. A leading platform in Middle East, North Africa and South Asian markets, GITEX connects over 3,500 domestic and international ICT vendors with more than 136,000 industry professionals.
Cisco 640-893 exam Systems last announced its quarterly results on Thursday, May 12nd. The company reported $0.42 earnings per share (EPS) for the previous quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of $0.37 EPS by $0.05. During the same quarter in the prior year, the company posted $0.42 earnings per share. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 4.80% on a year-over-year basis. On average, analysts predict that Cisco Systems, Inc. will post $0.41 EPS next quarter.