How to simplify complex fractions

Before explaining complex fractions and radical expressions simplification, I will explain you the meaning of simplification. Simplifying a number or fraction means reducing the complexity of the number without changing its value. For simplifying the expression we bring together all the rules and properties which we apply on real numbers. A complex fraction is a number or fraction in which numerator and denominator contains a fraction. What is a fraction? Fraction is a number that can be expressed in the form of ratio of two numbers. It is basically used for comparison of parts to a whole. For simplifying complex fractions two methods are used.

First method is of finding common denominators. In this method, we convert the complex numerator and complex denominator to respective common denominators. For this, we combine all the things in the complex numerator and in complex denominator into single fractions, and after that we get one fraction in numerator and divide it by another fraction in the complex denominator. One thing to remember while doing this is, flip and multiply that means when you are dividing the number by fraction, you flick the fraction and turn the division into multiplication. Another method is of determining one least common denominator for all the fractions in the expression. After this, multiply both the complex numerator and denominator of complex fraction by the least common denominator.

Example of complex fraction is 1/4 / 2/4 = ?

In this question least common denominator for whole question is 4. so, multiply both the numerator and denominator by 4. it will result in

4( 1/4 ) / 4( 2/4 )

and on simplifying this we will get ½.

Radical expression is a mathematical expression which is represented in root symbol ( √ ). If we talk in terms of radical expression then this symbol is called as radicand. In Simplify Radical Expressions both numbers and variables can be involved. As we can break a number in several small numbers same thing can be done when we are dealing with variables. In simplification of radical expression we have to remove the root or roots present in the expression.

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