Android Application Development on the Rise Globally

In the last few years, the whole world saw the emergence of a communications tool called the smartphone. It is a gadget that allows people to make phone calls and perform other things like what a computer or personal digital assistant can do.

What Smartphones Can Do

Unlike ordinary phones, a smartphone has wireless connectivity that accesses the Web at higher speeds. If you have this kind of phone, you may be pleased to discover that you can also synchronize it with your computer, if needed.

Many of this type of phone have touch screen capabilities. It also offers access to instant messaging services such as Yahoo! Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger or AIM and supports multiple e-mail accounts as well.

Wi-Fi support, in addition to 4G and 3G data network systems, lets you not only send and receive e-mails or edit documents anytime and anywhere, but also serve as your portable personal organizer, which can be a storage of your to-do list, contact information, and notes, among others.

Google’s Android phones entered the market recently. Since then they became more popular than Apple’s iPhone, with its market share increasing rapidly and continuously than any other operating systems used in handheld devices.

Here is a simple explanation. If Microsoft has its Windows Phone, Apple its iOS, BlackBerry its BlackBerry OS, and HP its webOS, Google has its Android and all its downloadable applications. And the technology is constantly changing and evolving, month after month, if not year after year.

The Apps Market

Phone users are already familiar with personal digital assistants to do their day-to-day tasks, the GPS to provide driving directions, or the music player to play digital music tunes.

It is the role of Android application development specialists and experts to make your smartphones do more things than what usual phones do. If Apple’s iPhone has an app market via iTunes, there is also the Android Market where developers get to add thousands of new applications every month, which are made available to meet popular demand.

Recently, iPad and similar gadgets are taking the technology market by storm. These are worth checking out now with the release of the Android operating system for tablet computers, especially with its mind-blowing features through Android application development projects.

Though still in its early stage, business owners and individuals can surely take advantage of the benefits of Android application development, which are as follows:

  • Since the Android platform is an open source, the applications are free of licensing fee requirements. Meaning to say, they can be created almost instantaneously by a developer who has expertise in transforming ideas into concrete concepts through programming language and coding. These applications can also be improved by a community of developers.
  • Android application development projects are fully supported by Google, which has the best capabilities to make new applications reach its target market. Of course, hundreds of developers will claim they are experts in application development. It is the responsibility of the client/consumer to scrutinize their track record to ensure they are dealing with genuine and legitimate developers.

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