Communication System Is the Main Operating Force for the Civilization
From ancient period people understood that the good communication system can only lead to the development of a place and hence the development of the world. In all civilizations people built handmade bridges to establish connection between two places. Later on, with the invention of wheel the communication system got a go and it never stopped from that time onwards life got motion.
However, with the advancement of time, the carts came and then the engines but there were no easy circulation of message. The vehicles were useful for transportation of good from one place to another and for going from another place to another. It was not always possible to be physically present for people every time and hence communication through message from one another was very important. The age old postal system which was used during that period can be said the first step for the today’s SMS services. From the postal and mailing system developed the telegram. Telegrams were the only method during that period for sending messages during emergency. It depicts the advancement and development technology in that era. However, from telegraph services gradually developed telephone and fax machines.
The most important development took place with the advancement of media. Before the news paper service it was difficult to circulate any messages in emergency. Now with the invention of print media this problem got solved. Huge development took place with the invention of electronic media that is television in 1950s. With this the concept of broadcast service got popularized and disaster broadcast during emergency situation helped to communicate the message to the maximum number of people in minimum possible time. Media has now captured the whole world and controls and promotes almost all the events. It is not a medium for communication today but a medium of entertainment and be used in educational purpose also.
The development in circulation of message started flying on wings with the wireless services which was initiated with the invention of internet and mobile phone during late 20th century. The SMS e-mails and chat rooms have changed the concept of communication. The final development has taken place during the last ten years with different social sites. Orkut, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have added a new dimension to the communication system. In business also building a strong client communication system has become the main operative force for the market. The concept of outsourcing developed which works via virtual office and the toll free numbers or 13 numbers have become the main functional keys of this system.
The development has not been stopped and it is still continuing in all sectors with the same pace or rather faster. The latest inventions are net books, tablets or the iPhone which has literally brought the whole into our handclasps. Now all the information is just a click or dial away. The term mass communication has now it’s true meaning. It has now been a popular subject in Universities throughout the world. The subject is growing to a large deal and many new branches are opening every day.