Youth Ministry Resources – The Step That You Can Take To Fing Great Resources
While you think of youth ministry resources what comes toward your mind? Confusing? Difficult to get? Time consuming? This topic brings up an embarrassment of emotions designed for lots of people. But it will not have to be this way. Discovery resources used for your student ministry is a necessary part of your work on the contrary it will not have to be a required “evil.” Despite the fact that I used to think that way, a little time and experience has trained me a few significant lessons. I trust you can discover from the errors to facilitate I have prepared and the experience I have obtained so you do not end up having to pull your hair out or bang your cranium alongside a wall over something so trivial as youth ministry resources.
When it comes to youth group resources I have taken to steps. The first place to start is your quite time with God. I know it may not seem to apply in this situation, but prayer applies in every situation. Prayer allows me to gain clarity and guidance. It helps me to remain focused on the task at hand and use my time efficiently. It allows me to see clearly what God wants to speak to my students so that I can cut through the jungle of materials that are out there. You must spend time with God that is a must! Don’t loose site of this you spending time with God is the number one thing that you must do as student pastor. If you don’t has a leader we can ‘t ask our students or leaders to get into the word of God. It is the one thing that all student leaders and pastor need to be about! Open up your Bible and start reading and just start there and see what God opens up for you.
Second I have found that laying down my pride was a huge help in this facet of my ministry. I use to feel that I had to create all of my own youth ministry resources. Games, bible studies, sermons, you name it. My pride told me I had to create them all and that if I did not I was somehow less of a minister. I have since learned that my job is not to make materials and activities but is instead to build relationships with my students and be there for them. This has been such a freeing principle for me. I have found so many wonderful sites online that provide wonderful materials of all kinds for ministry. My time is freed up and I have truly seen my ministry grow. I can spend more time with my family and my students. Once I let go of the idea that I have to use my own stuff then I can have more time to do the things that I want to do. Finding great resources is a great key in our youth ministry program.
I hope these ideas are as helpful to you as they are for me. I know that they are simple, but sometimes the simplest ideas are the most powerful. If you put these ideas to use and it will change your ministry. Most ideas are easy to put into place you just have to follow these steps.
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