Drug Free Treatment For Heartburn – Natural Heartburn Remedies Offer Safer Effective Alternative
Why are so many heartburn sufferers now searching for drug free treatment for heartburn? Well quite simply there are many drawbacks to taking conventional drug based heartburn medication and these can be eliminated by substituting them with some form of totally natural heartburn treatment.
So what is the problem with conventional medication?
Lets just consider three of the more important
- Treating symptoms and not causes – conventional medication acts by controlling the amount of acid that the stomach produces. While this might seem logical as it is acid reflux that causes heartburn, it is not the amount of acid that is the real problem. For the majority of sufferers it a fault or weakness in the muscular valve mechanism that should prevent your stomach contents from flowing back into your esophagus (gullet) that is the real cause.
- Temporary relief – controlling acid production is simply treating the symptoms of heartburn but does nothing to treat the factors that cause acid to reflux in the first place. This is why conventional treatment only produces temporary relief and, when you stop taking your medication your heartburn returns, often worse than before. This is why people who suffer chronic heartburn generally have to take their medication long term (not good).
- Side Effects – it is widely accepted that many drug based medications produce adverse, potentially harmful side effects and this is certainly true of heartburn medication. This is particularly problematic for sufferers of chronic heartburn, where their medication can actually create more problems than they solve.
So what alternatives do heartburn sufferers have?
Actually there is a very wide range of remedies that are totally natural and do not rely on any drug whatsoever. What is more, they have proved to be equally if not more effective than many of the pills and potions that are consumed in huge quantities every day by heartburn sufferers.
Lets consider three types of natural heartburn treatment
- Herbal Medication – as for many diseases and conditions there are many herbal supplements which can target specific factors that are causing acid reflux to occur. Choosing the most appropriate supplement can be very effective.
- Homeopathic remedies – homeopathic treatment involves taking minute quantities of a particular substance that stimulates the body’s own powerful defences into action to combat whatever is causing the problem.
- Lifestyle changes – acid reflux is caused by many factors and some of the major ones are linked to the way we live and the food we eat. Making strategic changes to diet and lifestyle can have a significant positive effect on your problem.
This obviously is just scratching the surface of what totally natural alternative treatment for heartburn is available. There is a wealth of information available on the web that will encourage anyone concerned about their current heartburn treatment to investigate these alternatives.
Finally, consider this. If each of the above mentioned natural remedies is effective in treating heartburn, what would be the effect of combining specific lifestyle changes with the most appropriate form of natural supplement into a comprehensive program of treatment?
Again, this is worth checking out as many former sufferers are claiming to have cured their heartburn for good, by following such a holistic program of totally natural, drug free treatment for heartburn. How good is that?
Most Effective Treatment For Heartburn
Most conventional treatments for heartburn are temporary because they treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. So, if you want to successfully and permanently rid yourself of your heartburn then you must address all the factors that contribute to the problem i.e. you must treat it holistically.
A revolutionary new program does exactly that and in 5 unique steps shows you how to permanently cure your heartburn and acid reflux.
So, discover how combining the most effective forms of treatment for heartburn into this program of holistic treatment, will provide lasting freedom from all your digestive disorders by visitinghttp://naturalremediesforheartburn.com/natural-heartburn-relief/