Milestones in DePuy ASR Hip Replacement Recall Lawsuit

Johnson & Johnson’s division, DePuy Orthopedics, issued a recall of an estimated 93,000 devices of its medical product on August 26, 2010; known in the business of hip replacement systems as the ASR XL Acetabular System and also the ASR Hip Resurfacing System.

It has been found out that both devices happen to be of unusually high rate of early failure.  The discovery is backed by records that demonstrate 21% among the hip implants necessitating substitution after 4 years of placement.  Also, 50% requires replacing shortly after 6 years, compared to 12% to 15% at 5 years for other devices.  To intensify the risks both systems present, they are both equipped with dangerous metal-on-metal bearings which will deteriorate under regular use. This kind of situation, metal shavings and flakes are freed to the bloodstream, not to mention harmful compounds cobalt and chromium.

Neither of the two types of DePuy ASR hip implant systems had appropriate evaluation. DePuy acquired affirmation utilizing the Food and Drug Administration’s “510(k) approval.” It’s a regulatory body’s protective ambiguity suited to removing by the Institute of Medicine. However, DePuy Orthopedics continues to be legally responsible for the health risks its models bring to its users.  Actually, per DePuy hip replacement lawyers have recorded, scores of product liability lawsuits have been filed against DePuy.  Complainants allege that they failed to properly manufacture the ASR systems.

On its part, the FDA advises patients who have had recalled hip implants to watch signs or symptoms such as hip/groin hurting, local lump, numbness or shifts in your skill to walk. The agency also warns regarding issues posed by the subject flawed medical equipment.

Metal-on-metal hip implants, similar to various other hip implants, are said to have serious issues such as infection and joint dislocation. Studies include metal particles forming a reaction along the joint leading to the damage in the tissue around the joint. There are records of several metal ions on the implant moving the bloodstream.  Latest reports of a number of individuals having metal-on-metal hip implant affected by reaction to the ions. They experience medical troubles that would be linked to their implants which include side effects concerning the neurological system, heart and thyroid gland.

DePuy has come forward to provide “payment” for patient’s out-of-pocket costs.  On the other hand, DePuy hip replacement attorneys think that the “reimbursement” is but a fraction of the compensation to which patients are entitled.

In case you or anyone you care about have undergone a hip replacement operation just after July 2003, it is suitable to have your implant reexamined for both potential and actual injuries. A DePuy hip replacement lawyer is also important for adequate reimbursement.

To know more about DePuy ASR Hip Replacement Recall, visit RLG site today.

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