Musandam & Salalah

Musandam is situated on the north side of Sultanate. It has been alienated with rest of the United Arab Countries just by the narrow demarcation. The whole land is covered with the mountains and the height of mountains reaches up to 1800 meters over the sea level. Musandam is mainly known to the world because of its certain unique features and strategic location. The Strait of Hormuz flows right from the land which enhances the significance of the location and this is because of the reason that the strait is being used for the navigation purpose as well. The part of Strait that is significant for the navigation lies under the territory of the Sultante. This not only gives the ideal location and importance but it also positions Omanis in the state of great responsibility for the management and organization of the proper navigation since a very long period of time. However, the importance of this place has increased much more in the last few decades and that because of the reason that now most of the oil shipment of Gulf takes the turn from this point, as a matter of fact it would not be wrong to say that 90% of the oil shipped takes place from this point.

Apart from the significance of its location, there is another reason for which the place if world famous and that is the fishing. Each year hundreds of tourists come over for one come common reason and this fishing, if you are really interested and looking forward for planning a vacation where you can have the fun of fishing as well than this is definitely the right place and for this cause the Musandam Cruise is absolutely the right choice. Muasandam Cruise is the most preferable choice of all the tourists and that is because they are well known for the services that are being provided by them and also they are offer packages for the tourists according to their ease and convince in terms of timings. The best part of their packages is that they are rendering their services 24 hours a day by providing the day and night packages for their valued customers. Even in the day packages there are various options available for the tourists and for the thrill seekers they also offer fishing on the speed boats.

Just like the Musandam city, Salalah is another tourist attraction that is located on one of the southern province of Oman, Dhofar. In the seasons of summer the population Salalah almost double because of people from different location moves over here, especially in the months of June to September. In these month monsoon is on its peak in this region which adds more beauty to this place. Apart from that several magnificent festivals and events are being organized, in short in between these months each and thing over here begin to excel and gets flourished.

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