Be an Advocate of the Environment through Eco-friendly Postcards

It has been repeatedly said on television, radio, documentaries, and all other form of media that the Earth is going through major changes that we all refer to as climate change. Sad to say, that all these major and often destructive changes were caused by humans. And because of these changes we are now facing a great challenge to reverse whatever damage we’ve done before a third of our planet is destroyed.

Good thing tree-huggers have long launched and introduced measure to fight the effect of climate change. From eco-friendly dresses to bags and cars, green living is not wildly encouraged. This campaign for an eco-friendly world has even reached the business industry. Small and even multinational companies are selling environment friendly items to give their share in healing our planet. There is one aspect though the eco-friendly items can be very beneficial: postcard printing.

If you haven’t tried doing eco-friendly postcards yet, now is the right time to do it. Today, it’s no longer just about doing good business. You have to be concerned of the environment and produce and use green products as well.

Green postcards to inform customers

Now that you’ve created environment friendly products, it’s time to let your customers know. The best way to do that is through a direct mail campaign. You don’t have to create an overly huge and attractive material such as heavy brochures or catalogs to deliver your green message. A simple post card would be enough. Postcards are small and concise, and use the lowest paper quantity of all the direct mail materials.

Of course, you need to use green printing in producing your post cards. Green printers uses vegetable- or soy-based inks and paper that is made from sustainable trees. You can also use recycled paper in your postcards to further your effort towards reducing consumption and waste in the environment. There are many cheap postcard printing services these days that offer environment friendly printing, so no need to worry of the expense.

Green postcard design

When it comes to the design of your postcard, don’t simply focus on creating a promotional message. You would want to promote in a subtle, not too pushy way. So, design your postcards as compelling, informative pieces that helps readers become eco-conscious individuals. For instance, you can put tips on have to save energy consumption in your cards. But, of course, you have to suggest your customers that by working with you, you create a greener future for the next generation.

Consider using images of the natural wonders of the world in your cards or images of forests, animals and other environment aspects to get your message across. These images will help convince your readers of the importance of saving the environment. Use also earthy colors such as green, blue or brown in your postcards as they most likely to encourage readers to read your card to know what information you have to offer. With these colors and images, you increase your postcard’s chance of getting picked in a pile of mail.

Reducing your carbon footprint

The mail goal of your postcard is to inform and motivate. By sending people your eco-friendly postcard, you are justifying your dedication to saving the environment. Through this simple and small way, you are actually helping sweep the nation towards a greener future. So, why not reduce your carbon footprint today, make green decisions for your business and get great ROI and a sustainable future in the long run.

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