000-448 answers
Officials will be able to use this Smarter Parking solution to better understand parking patterns so they can improve citizen services, optimize revenue and IBM 000-448 more effectively allocate city resources. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.
IBM’s first parking survey released today found that drivers in 20 international cities face a daily struggle in finding a parking space. In the past year, nearly exam six out of 10 drivers have abandoned their search for a space at least once, and more than a quarter have gotten into an argument with a fellow motorist over a parking space.
In addition to the scientific work, the new IBM system and storage solution will ultimately be used by domestic and international collaborative research institutions to IBM 000-448 exam share resources and data. IBM, the IBM logo, ibm.com and GPFS are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
Around the world, commuters deal with the daily struggle of finding a parking space. In fact, experts estimate that this causes 30 percent of urban traffic congestion. A global survey of commuters in 20 international cities conducted by IBM found that in the past year, nearly six out of 10 drivers had abandoned their search for a parking space at least once and drivers have spent an average of nearly 20 minutes in pursuit of a coveted spot.
Combining information management and advanced analytics from IBM with 000-448 IBM data gathered from parking sensors and applications from Streetline will allow cities to make smarter and more timely decisions related to parking and their transportation systems.