Star Health to launch dental insurance policy soon | Apply
Star health insurance plans to launch a dental insurance to part soon.
Currently, insurance companies offer limited coverage for some dental procedures under general anesthesia, the health insurance plans. The insurance covers the majority are for dental treatment 24 hours of hospitalization or life-threatening situations. There are no comprehensive plans independent dental care.
The coverage is full of warnings. But with increasing awareness of dental care for consumers, there is a need for more limited coverage, according to a senior official in the Star Health.
The company is working on a separate dental insurance policy covering the same procedure to date in the network to select the dental clinics. It will launch the product before Mumbai.
“We are committed more than 1,000 dentists. We are working on rules and eligibility standards for dentists to participate in the initiative,” said S. Sundaresan, CEO of Star Health.
While the developed world has an insurance policy dental insurance has evolved in India are facing a multitude of treatment options with different costs for each problem, said Dr. V. Vijayakumar, executive director of the Chennai-based chain of dental Dentistree. For example, for a toothache, a patient might opt for extraction, which only costs 200 rupees, or a root canal that costs a few thousand rupees. Patients can also opt for a partial denture that only cost 500 rupees, or the best implant of Rs 50,000.
“Insurers may question the choice of patient treatment – cosmetics against functional,” Dr. Vijayakumar said.
While working on a policy, the insurance company has to decide on the lid making it a win-win for everyone, he added.
Star Health is working on the premium structure “optimal” and the plan will be unveiled in a month.
Source: [thehindubusinessline]