Astrology- is an Inexpensive Method to Success, Health, Wealth, and Happiness
People who don’t believe in astrology or any form of it ask this common question “What is vastu Shastra”? Vastu shastra is known to be a form of science that is being practiced in India from a number of years as it focuses on the various aspects of a building; be it a temple, a home, an office building, a large structure, or a sculpture.
The belief surrounding Indian vastu shastra is mainly based on the cosmic energy and the Sun rays effect on a dwelling space. In today’s day and age, vasthu has gained popularity mainly because people want to be happy and successful in their businesses, careers, and academics. Majority of Indians turn to a vastu professional for help as and when they are faced with problematic situations that brings them unhappiness, financial loses, health related problems, marriage issues, and no peace of mind.
Not only few but majority of Indians are now waking up and believing in our country’s only strength, which is spirituality but this spirituality is not the same as that which is being followed by religious groups for generations and generations but this is of a different kind that can only be understood through science and that is Astrology.
Indian astrology is getting its share of recognition not only in India but all around the world and mainly thanks to Kotamraju Narayan Rao, who fought and won the case in the Supreme Court of India to prove astrology is also part of science. Hence UGC (University Grants Commission) has approved astrology to be part of a discipline that is worthy of study and research. Not only UGC but the parliament of India has also approved astrology as another form of science
Today, there are students who are undergraduates, post graduates, and even Ph.D. holders in astrology.
Similar to vastu shastra even feng shui has gained popularity in China, India, and in the western world. It’s difficult to say which came first; vasthu shastra or feng shui as there is not much documented evidence is to prove otherwise but this is for sure that both have been around for over three thousand years. Feng shui parts with the knowledge of how to balance space and energy in order for humans to remain healthy, wealthy, happy, and in good fortune.
In Chinese, feng means “Wind” and shui means “Water” and both are considered very important elements in the Chinese Culture. The Chinese believe that the land we live on has life and is filled with energy (called CHI) that could either brink us good fortune or misfortune.
Therefore, to take advice from a feng shui professionals is very essential, as they are very well aware of all feng shui pros and cons. In closing, people might still not believe in astrology, vastu, feng shui, numerology, etc stating it’s baseless and purely based on false beliefs. Ask such people only one simple question “How can they believe in God even though no one has really ever proved if he really exists”. So isn’t that also false belief and baseless”
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